Name: MARK!
Screenname: CousinScampy
D.O.B: 11/06/88
Personal Quote: But why??

Why I like WQ: Because it gets posted on lots so it usually has new messages to read when I'm bored o_o

Hates: Emo kids and chicken with cheese on it.

Likes: Chicken without cheese on it, or cheese not on chicken.

Fave TV shows/films: Dead Like Me! Donnie Darko.

Fave music: Large cross-dressing Germans.

A bit about myself: My name is Mark, my days are not dark, I live in a park, I like to eat bark, I've bitten a shark, my auntie's an aardvark, I don't work in Clark's, my message is stark, you must build an ark! punishment ;-P

I'm also a girl