Bathing in the Bush

Bath day was great. That was the day that one would take off from mining and go to the Windmill Boar, 5 to 6 miles away to resupply the water containers. Water was transported on the back of an old Land Rover with a 6 X 44 water gallon drums tied on. Arriving home (camp), I would syphone one into the drinking container, giving an empty drum in turn to be filled from the ones on the utility. This day was hot, so we all stripped off and into a drum each. The other half in one, the two toddlers in the other and myself in one. This was great, out in the open starkers in a 44 gallon drum. Then arrived some visitors. This was really great as the people had to get the coffee and eats for themselves. Can you imagine two adults, and two children in 44's with three other people sitting on 4 gallon drums using a 13 gallon drum as a table