The National Right to Life Web Page
(Key info on Partial-birth abortion)
What Catholics Believe
Priests for Life
Project Rachel

Population Research Institute
Eternal World Television Network
(A Catholic Website with lots of information and Television station)

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This web page is my attempt to inform people about Partial Birth Abortion (PBA). This procedure is being performed in our country legally and under the guise of the health of the mother. It is a proven fact as attested to by most doctors that this procedure is never medically necessary. This procedure is allowed to be performed even in the ninth month of pregnancy. Currently, states are allowed to ban PBA, do you know if PBA is legal in your state? During the Clinton presidency, Mr. Clinton has single handed vetoed the banning of this procedure TWICE even though the House of Representatives and Senate voted to ban this procedure nationwide.Recently President Bush signed a bill banning this procedure. Curreently in our countries 2 party system, the Democratic party is the most ant-life, while the Republican party is the most pro-life. The Democratic party's platform has been the right to choose. You have to ask yourself, Choose what? The answer, choose death for a baby.

Please note that if you are a women or know of a women who has had an abortion and would like information about post abortion healing, please visit the Priests for Life Post Abortion web page link, or click here Project Rachel and remember you are not alone.

When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mothers womb, when I was growing there in secret you knew that I was there- you saw me before I was born. Psalm 139:15

A free and virtuous society, which America aspires to be, must reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception to natural death." --Pope John Paul II

Illustrated Partial Birth Abortion Procedure

A nurse's eyewitness account of a Partial Birth Abortion

Abortion statistics from 1973 until now

Inside the Womb

Ex-abortionists Speak Out

Babies Smile in Womb

18 yr girl dies from RU486

D and E procedure picture

Love is unselfish

A Prayer for the Unborn

EWTN, Global Catholic Network

Virtual Rosary Online
Virtual Rosary Online!

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