frequently asked questions
When can I see Faith in Falling next?
You can see us on April 5th at the Bell high school famine,
if you feel like starving yourself.

Also, we will be playing at Earl of March sometime in May.

My ears are sensitive to loud music. How mellow are these guys anyways?

Ummm... we're about as mellow as a read hot javelin through your brain.

I heard 'Faith in Falling' used to be 'Archangel SK'.

That's true.

I heard 'Archangel SK' used to be called 'The Backbeat boys'.

Hey... how... did... you ...know?

I have my sources.

Screw you and your damn sources.

When can I get a 'Faith in Fallling' CD?

Not for a while. However, we will be releasing some sample mp3's on Kazaa and Morpheus and probably make them accessible through contacting the band.

Wow. You guys are the greatest.


I'm kidding. You guys suck.

Okay, that does it, I want a new FAQ question guy, or else I'm not answering any more questions, got it?

*** Do you have what it takes to be the FAQ guy? Find out more on this amazing contest, coming soon!