Note: August '98: The 2nd Stuff file of my Opinionations upon this world, read and dont close yer mind or else ye are damned upon my words for it is the darkness of closing that does not let the light of opening in.

Enter Upon yer Own Risk, This is my world, My Words, My Freedom, learn or not learn that is yer choice, my goal is almost done if ye have cometh this far.

Ruminations upon a Tortured Soul:

My world, sayeth the traveler, yet not my world, not of my doings, a world wrapped into an aspect older than I, A time to die, A time to live, A life that goes on and on and on,

Never Ending...

Yet it goes on, once more into the uncertainty, as I go with it, leaving who I was behind and becoming. evolving into who I will be, older than many, younger than most, letting time and truth carry me on.

...... teaser upon my work The Traveler, which is still currently not finished, I'm looking at many more parts to finish it. a part is posted in my collections somewhere, ye'll just have to look for it.

Backtracking a bit:

July 2nd'98,

Note: According to T. Talone this work is:

" it is kind of a pondering pessimistic mood with a somewhat optimistic mood swing questioning kinda vibe."

here it is: