May 19, 2002

Eddie Guerrero defeated Rob Van Dam to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Trish Stratus defeated Stacey to retain her Women's title.
Bubba Ray Dudley was in Trish's corner and D-Von Dudley was in Stacey's corner. After the match D-Von turned on his "half brother" and put him through a table. Oh Testify!

Vince McMahon and Ric Flair share a few words. The two shake hands.

Brock Lesner & Paul Heyman defeat The Hardy Boyz.
Heyman pinned Jeff

Backstage Booker T gets hit on by a woman who gives him her hotel key.

Steve Austin defeats Ric Flair & The Big Show.
X-Pac came out and tried to interfere but gets the stunner for his troubles. In the end Austin pinned Flair.

Edge defeated Kurt Angle in the Hair vs. Hair match.
Angle runs off and avoids getting his head shaved for the time being

Booker T is in a hotel room and in bed with the woman who picked him up.
She tells him that she likes it with the lights off. Booker obliges.
Goldust's voice is heard and Booker turns the light back on.
Goldust tells Booker to leave the n.W.o

Triple H defeats Chris Jericho in the Hell in a Cell match.
Referee Tim White takes what may be the worst referee bump ever seen on television. Turns out he suffered a separated shoulder and a concussion after being thrown into the side of the cage.
Match eventually ended up on the top of the cage where Triple H applied the Pedigree for the win.

Backstage Kurt Angle is still running and hiding from Edge.

Maven & Torrie are at WWE New York

Rikishi & Mystery partner defeat Chuck and Billy to win the tag team championship.
The mystery partner turned out to be C&B's fashion adviser Rico. Rico tried to kick Rikishi but he got out of the way. Rikishi then makes the pin.

Edge catches up with Kurt Angle and the two fight backstage.
Eventually they end back up front near the awaiting barber and chair.

Edge places Angle in the sleeper hold and shaves his head bald.
They should have had Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake come out and do the hair cut!

KING OF THE RING is June 23.

The Undertaker defeats Hulk Hogan to win the Undisputed Championship for his fourth time.
New theme for the Undertaker.
'Taker kicks out of the leg drop. Vince comes out and Hogan is hit with the chair.

GRADE: Hell in a Cell match was the best match of the night, as expected but the Booker T/Goldust scenes belonged on RAW and not a pay per view. I was surprised to see Angle get his head shaved. Undertaker is 2 and 1 in his title matches with Hulk Hogan now. It was clever of the audience during the Austin/ Flair & Show match. Each time Austin and Flair exchanged slaps across the chest the crowd would cheer accordingly. What, Whooo!, What, Whooo! chants would be heard each time.

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