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Wrestlemania Results 1/4/01


JR:  “Welcome to the Granddaddy of them all, it’s the biggest event in the Sports Entertainment Calendar, it’s Wrestlemania.”

PH:  “That’s damn right JR, and we are sponsored tonight by Snicker’s Cruncher.”

JR:  “Paul, we have an amazing 6 titles matches out of the 7 that have been scheduled for tonight’s event.”


Match 1 – Tori vs. Lita – Women’s Title, Buried Alive Match


Lita’s music hits

Fink:  The following contest is a buried alive match.  Introducing first being accompanied by Billy Gunn, the challenger, from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, weighing 135 lbs., Lita.”

Tori’s music hits

Fink:  “And her opponent, from Portland Oregon, weighing 138lbs, she is the World Wrestling Federation Women’s Champion, Tori.”


The two women stare down at each other in the ring and Tori gets in the first slap.  The two of them then start to slap each other and Tori gets the upper hand.  She backed Lita into the corner and did a monkey flip, sending Lita to the other side of the ring.  Tori then goes for the cover, but is reminded by the ref that you have to bury your opponent.  She started to drag Lita out of the ring, but Lita gets up and starts to attack Tori.  She picks up a chair and swings at Tori, but misses.  Tori kicks Lita in the mid-section and Lita drops the chair.  She throws Lita into the ring steps and dragged her down the aisle.  Billy Gunn followed the ladies down the aisle and Tori tells him not to get involved in the match.


PH:  “Billy Gunn should not get involved in this match, he shouldn’t even be out here.”

JR:  “Who are you now then?  Mr. Fairness?”


Tori then tried to put Lita in the hole.  She succeeds, but it didn’t take Lita long to recover and she flew out.  She did a clothesline on Tori, knocking her into the aisle.  She picked up the shovel and hit Tori with it.  Billy continued to cheer Lita on and she did the One and Only on Tori.  This impressed Gunn very much and he picked Lita up, kissed her then put her down.  He then picked up Tori and put her in the hole and started to cover her up with the soil provided.  Lita tells him to stop so she can have the pleasure of winning the title.  The ref calls for the bell and out of the soil, Test appears and attacked Billy and Lita.  He picked up the shade and hit Billy and then Lita with it.  He then helped Tori get out of the hole and took her backstage.


Fink:  “The winner of this bout and New Women’s champion, Lita.”

JR:  “New women’s champ Paul, your thoughts?”

PH:  “That was out of order.”


Camera goes backstage where the Too Hardcore Limo turns up.


JR:  “These guys are evil, I hate then especially that bas...”

PH:  “Be careful JR, he may just come out here and Pedigree your ass through this table.”

JR:  “How did you know I was talking about Triple H?”


Match 2 – Goodfather vs. Triple H vs. Tiger Ali Singh – European Title


Fink:  “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the World Wrestling Federation European Championship.  Introducing first...”

Ali’s music hits

“from parts unknown, Tiger Ali Singh.”

Triple H’s music hits

Fink:  “And his opponents, first from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 240lbs, The Game, Triple H.”

The two men wait in the ring and Goodfather’s music hits

Fink:  “And introducing the champion, he is from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 320lbs, The Goodfather.”


The match starts with Tiger and Goodfather doing a double clothesline on the Game.  The two of them start to double stomp at Triple H and then the two double whips Triple H into the corner.  Goodfather went for the move that used to be known as the Ho-Train.  This was missed and Triple H threw him out of the ring.  He then clotheslines Tiger as he came flying in. He went for the cover and got a 2 count, Goodfather got back in and did a hard powerslam on Triple H, but when he went for the cover, Tiger pulled him off and the two started to punch each other.  Tiger was then thrown out of the ring by Goodfather and Gangrel and Blackman came down and attacked Tiger.  Goodfather was directing traffic on the outside and this allowed Triple H to get up.  As Goodfather turned round, Triple H did the face buster and then a very quick Pedigree.  Raven saw this happening and he came to the ring with a chair.  He took out Blackman and Gangrel and Triple H went for the cover.  1...2...3. Ding Ding Ding


Fink:  “The winner of this bout and NEW, European Champion, Triple H.”


Match 3 - Hardcore Hell in a Cell


Fink: 'This match is The Hardcore Hell In A Cell Match and is for The WWF Hardcore Championship!  Introducing first from Mobile, Alabama weighing in at allegedly well over 400 pounds - he is the Hardcore Champion - Crash!'


Crash's music hits and he enters the arena with the belt


Fink: 'From Japan, Taka and Funaki!


Kai En Tai's music hits and the two enter the ring


Fink: 'From Cobb County, Georgia weighing in at 315 pounds, The Big Bossman!'


Bossman's music hits and he enters the ring


Fink: 'He weighs in at 320 pounds - Kane!'


Kane's music hits and he enters


Fink: 'He weighs in at 225 pounds - Raven!'


Raven's music hits and he enters the ring.


For some reason the Cell starts to fall even though The Big Show is not in it!


1 min: Everyone runs after Crash trying to gain the title off of him, for one minute he survives just kicking out of everything even hiding under the ring!


2 min: Raven gets hold of Crash and DDTs him onto a chair, Raven gets the pin 1,2,3!  NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


3 min: Big Show's music hits and he runs down, realising though that he cannot get in the cell, meanwhile in the ring Bossman rolls up Raven, 1,2,3!!!!!


4 min: Big Show is getting pissed off so he grabs the door and rips it right off of it's hinges!  Big Show enters and chokeslams everyone apart from Raven, a fellow member from 2 Hardcore.  Big Show goes for the pin on Bossman, 1,2,3! NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Raven seems unsure whether to fight with his stable member, but doesn't have to as Funaki rolls him up and gets the three count, NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Funaki sees the open door and legs it out of it!


5 min: Former Hardcore Champion Billy Gunn is walking around the backstage area and Funaki runs into him, Billy Famea$$ers him and goes for the pin,1,2,3!  NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Billy is a 4 time Hardcore Champion!  Billy's glory though does not last long though as Big Show who followed Funaki chokeslams him, goes for the pin and gets the three, NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


6 min: It appears Big Show has no competition and he strolls around the arena, drinking a beer, wondering where all of his opponents have gone!


7 min: All of the competitors in the match except Raven jump Big Show and Kane chokeslams him, unbelievably Taka pins him for the three NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Taka legs it too, he runs towards the ring but is met by Raven who fisherman suplex's him, 1,2,3 NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


8 min: Kane attacks Raven with the help of Bossman but Raven fights off Kane but walks into a sidewalk slam, Bossman goes for the pin 1,2,3, NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Kane gets back up though and sees Bossman celebrating, he smacks him with a chair!  1,2,3 Kane is the NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


9 min: Kane actually goes looking for a fight and meets him in The Big Show, both men fight their way back to the ring with the rest of the competitors behind them.


10 min: The fighting stops outside the Cell and Big Show smashes Kane's face into the cell, Kane falls down and from nowhere Crash appears 1,2,3, NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Crash is leaping up and down in the air, but Bossman spears him into the side of the ring goes for the pin ,1,2,3 NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


11 min: Bossman, annoyed by his teammates earlier fight squares up to Kane, the two back off, shake hands and then go at it blow to blow, Kane reels backwards over the barrier and Bossman goes for a splash off of the rail.  He misses and Kane rolls on top of him, 1,2,3 NEW CHAMPION!!!!!


12 min: Kane gets back in the arena and starts to climb the top of the cage, Crash and The Big Show

 follow him whilst Raven, Funaki and Taka start to fight in the ring.  Crash is first up and he starts to fight with Kane, Kane is no match for him though and Kane beats Elroy up, Big Show however lays into Kane and knocks him off of his feet.


13 min: Raven throws a chair up to him and Show smacks it over Kane's head,  Crash again nips in and gets the three count! 1,2,3!  NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  Show cannot believe it though and takes his frustration out on Kane, he grasps his hand around the neck of Kane and throws him off of the cell, through the announce table below!


14 min: Big Show turns to Crash and Crash tries to get away down the side of the cell, no such luck though as Show grabs Crash and headbutts him down, he then picks him up and sets him up for the chokeslam! 


15 min: Big Show chokeslams Crash onto the top of the cell but the weight gives way and Crash flies through the top of it and through the ring below, with 5 seconds left Raven jumps on Crash and gets the three count 1,2,3!!  NEW CHAMPION!!!!!  The bell goes and Raven is the champ!  Raven high tails it out of the arena with the belt!


Fink: 'The winner of this match and NEW WWF Hardcore Champion - Raven!!'


Match 4 – HBK vs. Rikishi – IC Title


JR:  “That Hardcore Match was one hell of a match!”

PH:  “Yeah, but Raven won, that was the best thing!”

JR:  “But now Paul, we have Rikishi taking on HBK for the IC Title.”


Rikishi’s music hits

Fink:  “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Intercontinental Championship.  Coming down the aisle, from the Isles of Samoa, weighing in at 424lbs, he is a member of Too Hardcore, Rikishi.”

HBK’s music hits

Fink:  “And, his opponent, from San Antonio, Texas, he weighs in at 227 lbs., he is the WWF Intercontinental Champion, HBK, Shawn Michaels.”


The match starts with HBK coming off of the ropes and did a clothesline on the big man, but this didn’t even stir Rikishi.  He tries again, and the same happened.  HBK came off of the ropes again, but this time Rikishi caught him and he did a side walk slam to HBK.  Rikishi went for the cover and he got a two count.  Rikishi pulled HBK over into the corner and he went for the Bonzai Drop.  HBK rolled out of the way and both men were down on the mat.  The ref started to count, and he got to 7 when HBK sprung up and got Rikishi up.  He punched HBK and he whipped the big man to the ropes and he did a flying elbow to Rikishi.  This stirred Rikishi, so HBK ran to the ropes and did a dropkick, which knocked him down.  He did some stomps to Rikishi and got him up again.  He whipped Rikishi to the ropes and missed the clothesline, Rikishi stopped and knocked HBK down.  He then whipped HBK to the ropes and did a flapjack and went for the cover.  He only got a 2 count and whipped him to the corner.  Rikishi then backed his ass up, but HBK moved out of the way and went for the Sweet Chin Music, but this time Rikishi was too quick for HBK and he kicked him down.  He waited for HBK to get up and he did a superkick of his own.  Rikishi then pulled him over to the corner and this time he did hit the Bonzai and got the three count.

Ding Ding Ding


Fink:  “The winner of this bout, and New World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Rikishi.”


JR:  “Oh my.  Too Hardcore are dominating this fed.  They now have Raven, Triple H, Rikishi and Christian all as champions.  And, Edge and Christian have the chance of winning the tag titles next.”

PH:  “You’re damn right JR.  Too Hardcore are amazing, and will be the best stable ever.”


Match 5 - Bossman and Kane vs. Edge and Christian - Tag Titles


Fink: 'This match is the tag team dumpster match in which the match is won when both competitors are in the dumpster and it is set on fire!'  Introducing first the challengers with a combined weight of 455 pounds Edge and Christian!'


2 Hardcore's music hits and they both enter the ring with their usual cocky grins


Fink: 'Their opponents, the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, with a combined weight of 641 pounds, The Big Bossman and Kane!'


A huge boom is heard and then a siren and the tag champs enter the arena.


Edge and Bossman start the match off and the two go in for the grapple.  Bossman reacts with kicks to Edge's stomach but Edge manages to dropkick Bossman away from him.  Edge goes for the quick tag to Christian, and the lightheavyweight champ runs into the ring.  Edge and Christian begin to double team Bossman with an amazing double flap jack which takes Bossman down.  Edge exits the ring and Christian throws Bossman towards the dumpster and hoists Bossman into it, Bossman grabs on for dear life though and manages to struggle out of the dumpster.  Bossman quickly tags out to The Big Red Machine - Kane.  Kane rushes into the ring but is met by another dropkick from Christian Christian manages to punch Kane into the corner and then whips him across the ring to the other turnbuckle.  Christian then executes a gut wrench and he now tries to throw Kane into the dumpster, Kane is lifted into the dumpster but he hammers away at Christian and stops him from shutting the lid.  Kane is back in the ring and he whips Christian to the corner.  Christian reacts by knocking Bossman out of the ring but Kane then reacts by clotheslining Edge from the apron to the floor below.  Kane now has Christian and he smashes his head on the turnbuckle, he then tags in the recovered Bossman.  Bossman kicks Christian into the corner and charges at him, landing his foot right in his stomach.  Christian is laid out on the floor and Bossman does another quick tag to Kane.  Kane goes for the clothesline on Christian but Christian ducks underneath it and chop blocks Kane.  Christian now goes for the tag and Edge runs in, the two execute a double clothesline which knocks Kane out of the ring.  Edge follows him and smashes his head into the steps, before grabbing a chair and knocking Kane down.  Unbelievably Kane sits right back up so Edge charges at The Machine, Kane grasps his hand right around Edge's neck and chokeslams him all the way to hell.  Kane picks up Edge's limp body at throws him into the dumpster, shutting the lid.  Christian has a scared look in his eyes when Kane turns to him so he runs away, right in to a fallaway slam from the Bossman!  Bossman chucks Christian into the dumpster and it seems all over as Kane and Bossman go to get the lighting equipment.  Suddenly Jericho, Big Show, Raven, H}{H and Rikishi run down the ramp and open up the dumpster lifting Edge and Christian out of it.  Rikishi and Show then sneak up on Bossman and Kane and Kane gets super kicked and Bossman gets chokeslamed, 2 Hardcore drag the tag champs around the ring and throw them into the dumpster.  Rikishi and Big Show sit on the dumpster as Jericho and Raven go and get the lighting equipment.  Big Show and Rikishi jump off just as the dumpster goes up in flames!  Edge and Christian are the new champs!


Fink: 'The winner of this match and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions - Edge and Christian!'


2 Hardcore celebrate the gold for the stable as they leave with the belts, dragging Edge and Christian with them.


Mean time fire extinguishers are brought down and the fire is extinguished leaving the dumpster melting over Edge and Christian!


JR: 'The Corporation got screwed, may be they were right in saying that 2 Hardcore will dominate!



Main Event – Saturn vs. Undertaker – WWF Title


Fink: 'This match is scheduled for one fall and is for The World Wrestling Federation Championship!”



Undertaker's music hits and he enters the ring


Fink:  “Introducing first, he is from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 327lbs, The Undertaker.” 


Saturn’s music hits


Fink: 'His opponent, he is the World Wrestling Federation Champion, from Boston, Mas, weighing in at 2234lbs – Perry Saturn!!”


Saturn dominates the early stages of the match with punches and then an attempt at a half crab, which Undertaker nearly taps out to, but he grabs the ropes.  Saturn continues with his punches and whips Undertaker to the ropes and he does a clothesline, followed by a DDT, he goes for the quick pin, 1,2, Undertaker kicks out, Taker gets up, and Saturn clotheslines Undertaker again, before low blowing him out of the referees sight.  Taker rolled out of the ring and started to walk up the ramp.  Saturn follows him.  Saturn brings him back out to the ring though and smashes his head to the rail, then attempting a whip which Undertaker reverses, he elbows Saturn to the gut and hammers away at him with hard right hands, he then grabs a chair and hits Saturn with it. This forces him to keel over, allowing Taker to execute a powerbomb.  He kicks and stomps Saturn and chucks him back into the ring before following him, Undertaker then does a suplex, followed by a gut wrench powerslam, he goes for the pin, 1,2, Saturn kicks out, Undertaker gets back up and stomps away at Saturn then falls to his knees and he begins punching Saturn's head.  Undertaker then whips Saturn to the ropes and goes for the move known as the Chokslam!! He connects with it and it seems like the end for Saturn as he sets him up for the Tomb Stone, Saturn gets out of it though and punches Undertaker right in the ribs, he does an electric chair drop and goes for the pin, 1,2, Undertaker kicks out narrowly.  Both run to the ropes and both do a clothesline on the other.  Saturn is first up and he rolls over to Undertaker and goes for the pin, 1,2, Taker some how kicks out.  Undertaker then used up all of his strength and props himself in the corner.  Saturn charges at him but Undertaker was playing possom. Saturn hits the turnbuckle and Undertaker sets him up for the Last Ride, 1…2…3. Ding Ding Ding


Fink: “The winner of this match and NEW World Wrestling Federation Champion, The Undertaker.”


Then, Too Hardcore’s music hits and Jericho and Triple H come out with a mic.


Triple H:  “Saturn, can you remember how Taker got this far.  Well it was against one of your fellow Corporation members.  Remember when a masked man came to the ring, well that was…this man Chris Jericho.  And you know what that means don’t you Saturn, Taker is now part of Too Hardcore!!”


Too Hardcore walk off looking very smug


JR:  “Oh my.  What a shocker that is.  Undertaker is in TOO HARDCORE!!”


PH:  “We look forward to seeing next week.”