9TH APRIL 2001







T & A (Trivia and Answers)!




LATEST NEWS - by Matt Singh

It's been another relatively quiet week in the wrestling business, but here's the news.


The company has signed 24 ex-WCW wrestlers to long term contracts. Elix Skipper, Lance Storm, Sean O'Haire and Stacey Kiebler are some of the names contracted. Some WWF grapplers may be sent to WCW when the company starts up again and Billy Gunn, Big Boss Man and Gangrel are among the names being thrown around. The Rock will most likely be out until the summer, probably until July or August. Kane, Gangrel, Taka Michinoku have been working in Mexico for IWA this past week. Murray Happer and Just Joe have been released from their contracts. The current issue of FHM has a feature on the "WWF Divas". Triple H, Steve Austin, Edge, Christian, William Regal and Chris Benoit are among the names booked to appear at the next UK-only WWF PPV, Insurrextion, on May 5th at Earls Court, London.


The debut of the "new" WCW has been pushed back already, the new date being tentatively set for June 9th. No production crew member has been held onto by the WWF, with all of them having been handed their releases.


Hombre Dinamita (formerly Savio Vega) defeated Terry Funk in a hardcore rules match in IWA. Also, Super Crazy defeated his friend Yoshihiro Tajiri on the same card. Speaking of the latter, he should be making his WWF debut very soon, as well as another ex-ECW star, Jerry Lynn.



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THE CHOSEN COLUMN - by Nick Wright

So whip de dee, Stone Cold Steve Austin turns heel on number 1 face Rocky Maivia. Well from first looks, I don't really know what to make of it. Obviously the Rock-Austin rematch at either Summer Slam or Survivor Series should be a big money encounter, but there are a fair few PPV's and thousands of hours of TV between that, so he needs something to do.

Now back in 1996 and 1997, Austin was the heel who everybody enjoyed watching. He didn't care, he swore, and he'd make the face's life miserable. Now we are in 2001, yet Austin may be heel, but its not the same. There isn't that arrogant swagger, that complete disregard for anything and everyone. There is just something missing. The top notch promos ain't there, nor are the other Austin trademarks that back in 96/97 we were all accustomed too. It's just not there.

Now to the possible opponents, for Austin. Well erm, there isn't many. Austin v Undertaker is one, one which could draw. Or maybe Austin v Kane, however the buck seems to stop there, neither is fresh, yet the main verdict will be perspective PPV buy rates following those matches. Thus the main answer is elevation. Yes, it's the equivalent of garlic to vampires in Hulk Hogan's eyes, but it has to be done. So Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, your time has come to rise to the occasion. As time has told over the last year, we know that in fans eyes, both are viable contenders, and in my eyes, I don't really see any more options (with exceptions of Foley, Michaels, and Shamr... actually forget Ken). These men are in the WWF's future, so now would be one heck of a time to see them finally start to move.


PEARLS OF WISDOM - by Andrew Evans


For months it has been speculated upon, and it finally happened. Three years after "Stone Cold" Steve Austin won his first WWF World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 14, he turned heel in front of over 60,000 people and a live PPV audience by forming an alliance with "the man he most despises", Vince McMahon. But, in front of his home crowd in Texas, it didn't work all that well...

Right now, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is a heel, and will be for the foreseeable future. To be honest, his recent actions that the WWF have used as part of his heel turn don't really make a lot of sense. They couldn't explain his Wrestlemania actions the next day on Raw Is War, and Austin ended up cutting a promo which disappointed just about every single viewer through its lack of content. OK, so Austin was making an "insurance policy" by using Vince McMahon, as was stated, but why didn't he then turn on McMahon like he teased he would after he had won the title? Also, why has Austin sided with Triple H? Triple H took Austin out after the main event at Summerslam 1999 with repeated chair shots, and then also orchestrated the hit-and-run at the Survivor Series 1999 PPV, which put Austin on the sidelines for 11 months. How do the WWF explain this? By Austin simply saying, "Well, I'd want anyone that crazy on my side." The WWF have in actual fact rocked the foundations of the whole Stone Cold character, a base which largely helped to pick the WWF up in 1997, and changing him this much could be a decision which may hold problems in the future if Austin needs to be re-turned.

This said, Austin's actions seem to be effective in gaining heel heat. A lot of people said, "Austin will be cheered no matter what he does." Well, they were wrong. Austin got some surprisingly good heat on Raw, furthering it on Smackdown where he turned on Jim Ross, in yet another segment that didn't make a lot of sense. The argument behind a permanent alliance (or at least for the time being) with Austin, Triple H and Vince McMahon is very weak. If the WWF move fast enough towards a new angle for him, Steve Austin's nonsensical actions will be forgotten by the majority of fans pretty quickly. If so, that moves us nicely onto the next question...

"Who can Steve Austin feud with until The Rock returns?"

The Rock may not return until July or August after his current filming, so his "revenge" will be held off for a good few months. With Rock away, this creates a face main event spot. Well, there are three people that seem to be in contention for a feud with Austin...

1. Triple H. Triple H is an obvious choice, and if turning on Austin can get him the crowd response he received on Raw when it seemed he was coming to ringside to help out The Rock, then he's got to be the number one pick. Whoever Austin feuds with, their matches have to draw on PPV. Any feud will have a side of freshness to it with Austin as a first time main event heel. This includes an Austin v HHH feud, which although seen just a couple of months ago, the roles would be reversed. Their match at No Way Out in February was the best on the card, and so far, maybe the best of the year anywhere in the world, so this would be one rivalry to look forward to. It is noteworthy that Triple H hasn't been the WWF World Champion since June 2000 at the King of the Ring, and there aren't many fans around who wouldn't want to see a face Triple H with the title for the first time.

2. The Undertaker. This is a bit of a 50/50, although it would make for good television. Once again, the roles would be reversed in a feud that originally worked first time around. For PPV matches, well, look at Taker v HHH at WM and Austin v HHH at No Way Out, and you'll probably get a good brawl between the two that would be viable for a main event at a future PPV. Undertaker has been demoted slightly since returning, now teaming with the always heat losing Kane, who can now only fit into the hardcore division. Undertaker's pop can't be frowned upon by many though.

3. Chris Benoit. If, in a month or two, Austin is more over as a heel, which he should be, Chris Benoit can get extra face heat by working a feud with Austin. Austin and Benoit would be able to use a wide range of styles, making any match of theirs interesting, something we saw briefly a few months back on Raw. Benoit would also be elevated in this feud, which would be a well deserved push due to his much improved character, mic skills and always great in-ring performances. His Cross-Face finisher is over now, too, and remember that it is the heels who tap out, not the faces.

Honorable mentions go out to Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle, but maybe those two aren't the right choices at this time. Angle needs to further build on a more serious character in the mean time, and the same goes for Jericho...maybe put these two in a very hot feud, a move that would also elevate Jericho?

And so, we move to the future...hopefully with elevations for Benoit and/or Jericho, and with the WWF in general shaken up, along with some new main eventers in different heel/face roles, The Rock would be ready to return as the number one face for a big summer rivalry with Austin. Or at least, we hope...



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Real Name = Jerry O'Neil Lawler

Legitimate Height = 5'10"

Current Age = 51


In late 1992, longtime area promoter Jerry Jarrett forged a partnership with WWF owner Vince McMahon which would see the two promotions swap talent. This meant that the area's top star, Jerry Lawler, would be making regular appearances in the WWF. Lawler made his WWF debut at the 1993 Royal Rumble and went on to commentate and his host his own "King's Court" interview segment on WWF TV as a heel. Lawler was soon moved into a feud with the top face at the time, Bret Hart. The angle started with Lawler attacking Bret following Bret's victory in the first ever televised King of the Ring tournament. The angle played out where Lawler was upset that Bret Hart would be crowned the "King" of wrestling. The feud raged on throughout the summer in both the WWF and USWA (Memphis), with Lawler playing the heel in the WWF and playing the face back in Memphis. The two eventually clashed on PPV at SummerSlam '93 with Lawler winning by DQ and the two would go on to feud on and off for the next 2 years.

Meanwhile back in Memphis in 1993, Lawler entered a feud with none other than Vince McMahon who would send WWF wrestlers such as Randy Savage and Bret Hart down to Memphis to take out Jerry Lawler. The feud never had a blow off match due to Vince's legal troubles at the time, but it did contain one fantastic angle in the Mid South Coliseum where Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson laid a beating on Jerry Lawler in the middle of the ring! By 1994, Lawler had become the top heel commentator and occasional wrestler in the WWF while working a part time schedule back in Memphis (which wasn't drawing good crowds). After the Roddy Piper disaster, Lawler went back to Memphis and immediately restarted his feud with longtime rival Eddie Gilbert. The two always had chemistry together and this resulted in crowds picking up once again with the feud turning into a family war with Eddie bringing in his brother Doug while Lawler recruited his real life son Brian Christopher (Grandmaster Sexay) and the two teams battled throughout the summer and fall of 1994 in a great series of matches. However, things weren't going so well for Lawler in the WWF as he was now forced to working embarrassing comedy matches such as the eight man tag match at Survivor Series 94 where he tagged up with three midgets to face Doink and his three midgets.

Things picked up in 1995, when Jerry Lawler become a co-owner of the Memphis territory along with two businessmen from Cleveland after longtime owner Jerry Jarrett decided to get out of wrestling. Also his WWF career began to pick up once again with Lawler restarting his classic feud with Bret Hart in the spring of 1995. Lawler defeated Bret Hart at the first In Your House, but lost to him the following month at King of the Ring in a "Kiss my foot" match. The feud was settled when Lawler brought in Isaac Yankem (Kane) to take down Bret but he was beaten by DQ at SummerSlam '95. Meanwhile, back in Memphis the promotion was slowly dying due to a number of reasons such as Lawler spending the majority of his time in the WWF, poor booking from Lawler and Bill Dundee and a lot of top indie talent were heading up to the North East to work for ECW instead of going to Memphis. Lawler feuded with the duo of Brian Lee (Chainz) and Brian Armstrong (Road Dogg) throughout the early part of 1995, before turning heel later in the year to face The Colorado Kid (Mike Rapada). As things progressed into 1996, Lawler was working as the top heel commentator in the WWF while battling The Colorado Kid. Memphis picked up in the spring of 1996 when long time area favorite Jeff Jarrett returned to the promotion. Lawler immediately started a feud which would last well into the summer before Jarrett's WWF contract ran which allowed him to go to WCW. The feud included a memorable one hour draw in Memphis and helped to temporally boost attendance's around the circuit.

The momentum created by Jarrett's return to Memphis had faded as 1997 dawned; indeed business was down so much that the USWA was on its last legs. Lawler's wrestling appearances in the WWF dwindled from 1997, so much so that Lawler's only notable appearance in WWF rings was in the King of the Ring tournament where he fell to Mankind. However, Lawler entered in a feud between the USWA and ECW which was really a feud between Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lawler, and the two battled on both ECW and USWA television and the feud even spilled onto WWF Raw. The two eventually clashed at ECW's second PPV, Hardcore Heaven, in Fort Lauderdale with Dreamer coming out on top. Things in Memphis became even worse during the summer as Cleveland based owner Mark Selkar filed a lawsuit against fellow owners Jerry Lawler and Larry Burton which forced the promotion to cancel all shows which effectively finished off the promotion, the end of the promotion officially came in September. Lawler, now concentrated fully on WWF career as the heel announcer and was one of the biggest influences in the new era of the WWF. Lawler tried his hand at running his own promotion when not on duty with the WWF by running Casino Championship Wrestling which was based in Mississippi but the promotion quickly failed so Lawler went back to Memphis and worked for the fledgling Memphis Power Pro promotion. Lawler continued to commentate in the WWF and work for Power Pro throughout 1998 and most of 1999. Lawler's profile was still sky high in Memphis that he ran for city mayor in early 1999, unfortunately the voters did not take Lawler serious as he finished well behind the leading candidates in 3rd position. Lawler switched promotions in 1999 to Memphis based Championship wrestling which became a WWF feeder territory and Lawler immediately became a big influence in the promotion, which he is still active with to this day.

Lawler became such a good heel commentator that he was fast becoming one of the most recognizable figures in the entire WWF, so much so that he was involved in his first WWF feud for a number of years in the fall of 2000 against Tazz. The two clashed at SummerSlam with Lawler coming out on top and they followed that up with a clash at Unforgiven the following month where Tazz was victorious following interference from new WWF signing Raven. Lawler made such a impression that he was soon moved into a feud with heel group The Right To Censor over their conduct towards Lawler's real life wife, The Kat (Stacy Carter). However, the feud never came to a end as Stacy was fired for her conduct behind the scenes which led to Lawler walking out of the WWF with her. Lawler has since apologized for his actions and the WWF has made it clear that they may be willing to take him back some time in the future. Jerry Lawler is currently working for the combined Power Pro and Championship wrestling promotion in Memphis.

Although Jerry Lawler may not be in the same league as a Hulk Hogan or a Ric Flair in many fans eyes, but there's no doubt Jerry Lawler is a pure legend who's ability to adapt has extended numerous years to his career which has allowed him to become one of the most recognizable figures in the history of the sport. Others may have had better physiques, more charisma and even more talent but Jerry Lawler truly is the "King" of wrestling.




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T & A (Trivia and Answers!) by Andrew Evans

1. Who were the 3 members of the face team in the Grand Finale match at the 4th Annual (1990) WWF Survivor Series?

2. In WCW, who made up the tag team Pretty Wonderful?

3. Who won the ECW Tag Team Titles on 27th August 1994, the same day that Shane Douglas elevated the ECW Heavyweight Title to World Title status?

4. At FMW's 7th Anniversary Show on 5th May 1996, who did Combat Toyoda face in an Exploding Barbed Wire match?

5. What year did Ric Flair win his first NWA World Heavyweight Title?

6. What year did Honky Tonk Man make his WWF debut?

7. Which WCW's wrestler's real name is Bill DeMott?

8. Mike Awesome won his only ECW World Tag Team Championship with whom?

9. The "Stretch Plumb" is a submission move used most famously by which Japanese wrestler?

10. Who won the IWGP Heavyweight Title from Scott Norton at today's New Japan Pro Wrestling, Osaka Dome show?



JAP ATTACK - by Nick Wright

Hello Jap Fans, I have returned from my sabbatical to bring you more Jap Grap news straight from the Orient.

This week in Japan, it's mainly tournament crazy with both All Japan and NOAH, building up to their respective finals. Down in the promotion where there is two of everything (geddit, Noah's ark, with two sets of each animal….oh never mind), the semi finals are being built up. On one side Jun Akiyama tackles Mitsuharu Misawa, while on the other Vader battles Yoshihiro Takayama. Considering this isn't the old WCW , I'd reckon for Akiyama and Vader to go over with Akiyama winning the overall GHC, next Sunday (results in next week's issue).

Now down in All Japan's Champion Carnival, things are hotting up as the round robin series comes to an end. Gen'ichiro Tenryu is in the final, but his opponent is unknown at present. Taiyo Kea and Mike Barton face each other in each other's last match, and whoever wins could find them a place in the final. However, if Dangerous K, Toshiaki Kawada overcomes Dr. Death himself, Steve Williams, then he could be facing the man who beat him for the Triple Crown (Tenryu, in case you didn't know), next Wednesday. If I mentioned the name Keiji Muto, then I suppose this would all perplex you, yet, Mr. Muto, is directly involved in this. The likelihood final is Kawada v Tenryu, and the ideal plan would be for Kawada to go over Tenryu to give him a bit of steam for his match with Muto. Then if Muto, went over Kawada, it would add more prestige to the rematch later in the year between Kawada and Tenryu.

Of course as all of you know, Japan is a funny place, with funnier people (yes, that means you Mr. Choshu), so don't hold your breath, or else you'll be gasping for more breath than a Rhino opponent.

So, see you next week Jap Grappers, with results of both tourneys, and news on the man, the legend Antonio Inoki!




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WRESTLING HUMOUR - by Marc Lessard

Shoot Interview With The Gobbledy Gooker

I recently sat down with one of the biggest wrestling superstars in the world right now, the Gobbledy Gooker, in order to find out what his views and opinions are. Let's take a look...

Marc Lessard: Welcome, Mr. Gooker. I want to thank you firstly since I know you are on such a tight schedule.

Gobbledy Gooker: No problem at all.

ML: Ok, let's get down to business. We all know you debuted at Survivor Series 1990, where they described your debut as a complete bomb. How do you feel about that?

GG: Well, that is exactly what McMahon wants you to think. In reality, I was the biggest heel ever in the WWF at that very point! The boos came from everywhere, they hated me! I was an instant success.

ML: If this is true, then why were you not seen for a long time after the aforementioned PPV?

GG: You see, McMahon doesn't like people that are bigger heels than him. He saw how much I was over with the fans, with my funky dance steps and such. So he pulled me back and said, and I quote, "You suck, Gooker. Get outta here!" Which I then did, I left.

ML: What have you been doing these years in your absence?

GG: I was being offered jobs all around the world. I was supposed to be the winner of the 1994 Super J Cup!

ML: The Super J Cup 94? That's being described as possibly the best night of wrestling ever. Are you saying you were meant to win it?

GG: Yes I was. They saw my talent and they knew how much better I was than those Japanese fellows.

ML: Ok, so...tell me then. Why weren't you there?

GG: Jushin Liger complained that I would destroy his spotlight and that the Japanese fans would love me instead of him.

ML: Alright, did you do anything else in your absence?

GG: I worked in UFC for a short while. I was known as Funky Chicken. I was the most feared competitor ever in shoot fighting.

ML: Great! Tell us about some of your matches.

GG: Well, my mind is blurry but...my last match was with Ken Shamrock. We had a great match until I slapped the infamous Thanksgiving Surprise on him and he was out in a jiffy.

ML: You were recently called in to do the Gimmick Battle Royal at Wrestlemania X-Seven. What was that like?

GG: Oh, that was great. To be wrestling again felt wonderful. And to be in the ring at the same time of all that caliber of talents. I mean, Earthquake and Typhoon? They are two of the greatest wrestler's that ever lived!

ML: You were eliminated in the first 10 seconds, what was that like?

GG: Well, let me tell you. The man that threw me out was almost like a Kamikaze pilot. He was paid off by McMahon to throw me out first, so I couldn't show the world my talents. Me and Mean Gene were gonna get Jiggy Wit It after the match.

ML: What do you feel about the recent WWF-WCW merger?

GG: This is totally wonderful! Now the proper people will be pushed ahead in the main events. Barry Darsow, Mideon, Lex Luger, Hulk Hogan...oh there are just too many to name off. Stevie Ray, too. And Mark Madden. All main event material, can you imagine a Mark Madden Vs Stevie Ray Iron Man match? There's a match of the century!

ML: Ok, before we finish here we can play Word Association. I will say the name of some wrestler's and you give me your opinion on them.


ML: The Rock.

GG: Totally overrated. His mic skills are terrible and he seems to have some kinda of nasty fixation with monkey excretions.

ML: Steve Austin.

GG. Booooooring.

ML: Kevin Nash.

GG: One of the greatest wrestling technicians that ever lived.

ML: Chris Benoit.

GG: Boy, he blows a lot. No talent there. He's so damn boring.

ML: Well, our time is up. I'd like to thank you again Mr. Gooker. It was a pleasure.

GG: Meh.



TRIVIA ANSWERS by Andrew Evans

1. Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana. 2. Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma. 3. Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck. 4. Megumi Kudo. 5. 1981. 6. 1986. 7. Hugh Morrus/General Rection. 8. Raven. 9. Toshiaki Kawada. 10. Kazuyuki Fujita.


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