Austin Aries

Report Last Updated - 11/04 (Fall)
Real Name - n/a
Birthdate - n/a
5'9" 202 lbs. - Milwaukee, WS

Aliases - Dan Sexon

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - Eddie Sharkey, Terry Cox

Professional background - Midwest Indies(`00-), IWA-MS(`03-), ROH(`04-)

Groups - Generation Next

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- 450 Splash
- Gutbuster-Legsweep-Twisting Elbowdrop
- Rings of Saturn

Favorites -
- Flipping Samoan Drop
- Over-the-top Ace Crusher
- Slingshot Twisting Splash
- Kneebreaker-Back Suplex Combo
- Rolling Elbow

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 6
science - 3
aerial - 4
power - 6
strikes - 7

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 6
bumping - 6
heat - 6
carrying - 5
push - 6
potential - 7

Outlook - The Northern Midwest was an untapped area of the United States and thanks to IWA Mid-South, several stars began emerging out of there in recent years. Since the successes of talents out of Illinois and Michigan, it seems the best talents of these overlooked areas will continue to trickle down into the hotbeds and then upward and onward. The future of Austin Aries may very well follow this course. Aries is another one of those very talented indy workers who may very well squander his abilities before small, but dedicated crowds. Aries has really turned heads in 2004 and could become one of the top juniors around if he continues to improve and tour around.