Jimmy Jacobs


Jimmy Jacobs - official site
Report Last Updated - 11/04 (Fall)
Real Name - Chris Scobille
Birthdate - 2/17/84
5'7" 169 lbs. - ???

Aliases - n/a

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - El Tejano

Professional background - Midwest Indies(`99-), IWA-MS(`03-), ROH(`03-), CZW(`03-`04)

Groups - none

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Contra Code (Seated Shiranui)

Favorites -
- Reverse Pedigree
- Flying Senton
- Grapevined Leg Neckbreaker
- Flying Head Scissors
- Yakuza Kick

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 6
science - 2
aerial - 4
power - ?
strikes - 6

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 6
bumping - 6
heat - 6
carrying - 5
push - 6
potential - 6

Outlook - Jimmy Jacobs rise to indy fame seemed to happen almost overnight as he, along with several other Midwest talents, suddenly emerged and made an impact. Jacobs' made a unique one as the fans immediately take to his copycat antics of Bruiser Brody and John "The Bezerker" Nord i.e. his furry boots, brawling style and his trademark "huss" chanting. What is more funny is that Jimmy Jacobs is amongst the smallest wrestlers around, while those were huge men. Appropriately, Jacobs uses plenty of lucha-influenced highflying, but he combines it with his bizarre mannerisms. It seems as though Jimmy Jacobs has found a truly innovative spot for himself that might lead to a trend of capable juniors with interesting personalities.