

Passion's official site
Report Last Updated - 12/07
Real Name - n/a
Birthdate - ?/?/74
5'5" 125 lbs. - Biloxi, MI

Aliases - n/a

Athletic background - Bodybuilding

Teachers - Rod Price; Danny Davis, Jim Cornette, etc. (OVW Camp)

Professional background - Indies(`99-), OVW(`03-`05), IWA-Japan(`03)

Groups - none

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -

Favorites -
- Hairtoss
- Bodyslam
- Snap Suplex
- Lariat
- Ropechoke

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 4
science - 2
aerial - 1
power - 5
strikes - 4

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 5
selling - 4
bumping - 5
heat - 4
carrying - 5
push - 4
potential - 3

Outlook - Passion is a veteran female wrestler who found her greatest success as a regular in OVW during Jim Cornette's heyday. She was a solid hand that was never signed to a developmental deal, but remained a regular while a wide array of girls came and went. She was regularly featured on their TV because she would put over and be a thorn in the side of the latest babyface female. Since moving on, the "Belle of Biloxi" has dropped some weight, but is still the raspy-voiced, buxom blonde that she has always been. Passion has not really made an effort amongst the major women's wrestling companies and seems content to work undercard matches on indy shows as the tough heel she has played for years.