Ricky Fuji


Report Last Updated - 12/04 (Summer)
Real Name - Kantanori Morimura
Birthdate - 9/27/65
5'9" 193 lbs. - Chiba, Japan

Aliases - n/a

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - n/a

Professional background - Indies(`88-), FMW(`89-`02), WMF(`01-`04)

Groups - Team FMW, Team Canada, Lethal Weapon

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- 9999 (Cross-Arm DDT)

Favorites -
- Kamikaze (Flipping Samoan Drop)
- Butterfly Powerbomb
- Vertical Suplex
- Sharpshooter, bodyslam, kneedrop, DDT, springing headlock takeover, punch, mid kick, Discus Punch, turn. smash, riding corner punches,

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 5
science - 2
aerial - 2
power - 6
strikes - 4

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 3
bumping - 4
heat - 5
carrying - 4
push - 3
potential - 1

Outlook - One of those indy guys who have been around forever and remains around just because. Ricky Fuji has never been anything special, he works a basic style and doesn't have anything too special to offer. He was fortunate to get a nice slot in FMW and established himself very well. In Japan, one can live off that kind of success for the rest of their career and Fuji has done just that. Aside from some brief stints in other larger companies, Ricky Fuji has mainly been all over the indies. Hoovering around forty and his workload easing, Fuji recently started his own company, WrestleAid, to keep it going. Expect Fuji to continue for a while longer through the tough times on the indy level, but it seems unlikely he'll ever play a significant role in the pro-wrestling world again.