Abdullah the Butcher

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Real Name - Lawrence Sheeve
Birthdate - 11/2/36
6' 360 lbs. - Windsor, ONT

Aliases - Pussycat Pikens, Zeras Amala, Larry Sheeve

Athletic background - Combat Sports?

Teachers - n/a

Professional background - Canada(`59-), WWC(`7_-), JWA(`70-`72), All Japan(`72-`81), Detroit(`75), New Japan(`81-`85), Georgia(`83), Southwest(`84), WCCW(`86), AWA, All Japan(`87-`96), WCW(`89-`91), Indies(90s-), Tokyo Pro(`96), WAR(`97-`98), Big Japan(`99-), All Japan(`00-)

Groups - Sullivan's House of Animals

Peak Years - `7_-`80

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Sudanese Meat Cleaver (Jumping Elbowdrop)

Favorites -
- Throat Thrust
- Biting
- Headbutt
- Cross Chop
- Chokehold

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 4
science - 0
aerial - 0
power - /
strikes - 4

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 7
selling - 5
bumping - 3
carrying - 3
heat - 8
legacy - 7

Place in History - One of the most memorable figures in wrestling history, anybody who saw Abdullah the Butcher (especially live), never forgot him. Perhaps he is the overriding example of how a great gimmick can make a less-than-exceptional talent a megastar. After nearly a decade of being an uninteresting chunky prelim wrestler, the "Madman for the Sudan" was a ticket to greatness. Heavy touring kept the character fresh and allowed him to get the monster push before moving on. Fans only remembered this mute killer who provided unprecidented bloodbaths. His originality worked virtually everywhere. In Canada (his actual homeland), he was a tremendous draw on top. In Japan, he earned more weekly than just about anyone as All Japan's top gaijin heel throughout the 70s. In Puerto Rico, he was a partial owner of Capital Sports (WWC) and was the top heel in the company for the better part of two decades. He wrestled just about everywhere at one time or another with the exception of a few. Increasing weight and high blood pressure caused Abdullah's reserved style to drop off even more. Still active into sixties, it seems as if the Butcher will be around until he cannot "go" any longer.