Chris Benoit


Real Name - Christopher Michael Benoit
Lifespan - 5/21/67-6/25/07
5'10" 218 lbs. - Edmonton, AB

Aliases - Pegasus Kid, Wild Pegasus

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - (Hart Brothers Wrestling School); (New Japan Dojo)

Professional background - Stampede(`85-`86), New Japan(`87-`99), Stampede(`88-`89), UWA(`91), CWA(`91), WCW(`93) ECW(`94-`95), WCW(`95-`00), WWF/WWE(`00-`07)

Groups - Junior Horsemen, Triple Threat, Four Horsemen, Revolution, Radicalz

Career Highlights -
- Defeats Jushin "Thunder" Liger to win the IWGP Junior heavyweight title
- Beats the Great Sasuke to win the 1994 Top of the Super Juniors tournament
- Becomes a member of the Four Horsemen with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Brian Pillman
- Wins the 2003 Royal Rumble after eliminating the Big Show in an impressive marathon
- Defeats Triple H and Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XX to win the WWE World Championship

Finisher(s) -
- Crippler Crossface
- Flying Headbutt
- Sharpshooter
- Dragon Suplex
- Tombstone
- Wildbomb (Pinning Powerbomb)

Favorites -
- Rolling German Suplexes
- Dropping Back Suplex
- Snap Suplex
- Running Back Elbow
- Chop

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 10
science - 5
aerial - 4
power - 10
strikes - 10

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 10
bumping - 9
heat - 7
carrying - 10
legacy - ?

Place in History - Before June 25, 2007, Chris Benoit was one of the most highly regarded and highly respected professional wrestlers in the world. He was one of the very best in-ring performers that the business had ever seen and he left an impact one the sport in that regard. The drive that pushed him to become one of the best was admired by many of his peers. After finding success everywhere he wrestled, Benoit found a home in WCW and later the WWF/WWE. Although he was nearing forty, battling injuries and was a small man in a big man's sport, Chris Benoit was made a top star in the WWE. Tragically, Benoit's personal problems took a horrific turn in 2007 when he murdered his wife Nancy (former valet "Woman") and his son Daniel before killing himself. Although pro-wrestling has seen its share of losses from accidents, drug overdoses, suicides and murders, the nature of this story was unprecidented. Its impact on the sport will likely be felt in a way unlike the previous deaths. Someone who inspired many pro-wrestlers, garnered the praise of millions of fans and achieved great hieghts of success will forever be remembered for this tragedy.