Mick Foley

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Real Name - Michael Francis Foley
Birthdate - 6/7/64
6'4" 277 lbs. - Long Island, NY

Aliases - Jack Foley, Super Zodiak II, Cactus Jack (Foley/Manson), Mankind, Dude Love

Athletic background - Lacrosse, Wrestling (High School)

Teachers - Dominic Denucci

Professional history - Memphis, USWA, WCCW, UWF, Tri-State(`91), GWF(`91), WCW(`91-`94), ECW(`94-`96), WWS(`94), NWA(`94), SMW(`94), IWA(`95), WWF(`96-`01)

Peak Years - `94-`00

Groups - Cartel, Destruction Inc., Sullivan's Slaughterhouse/House of Animals, Corporation, Union

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Mandible Claw
- Double Arm DDT

Favorites -
- Elbowdrop off apron
- Cactus Clothesline
- Knee in corner
- Falling Lariat
- Punch

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 5
science - 0
aerial - 2
power - 6
strikes - 7

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 10
selling - 10
bumping - 10
carrying - 9
heat - 8
push - 7

Serious Injuries - Knees, etc.

Place in History - Do I really need to right this? Mick Foley is pretty much the "God of Hardcore Wrestling" in America. He was a cult favorite long before he got a regular slot with WCW and once he was in things bloomed. The wild brawler had a nack for carrying opponents through big (often sick) bumps. Once Cactus Jack got into the Japanese Death Match scene he became "The American Onita" and gained much fame there. After winning the famed (though poor) KOTDM tournament in `95, Jack seemed ready for the big time. In the WWF, he became Mankind and continued his cult following while having some damn good matches along the way. Finally he brought the characters of his youth (Dude Love) and earlier years (Cactus Jack). He began a lovable, big-bumping babyface and after two world title runs, Mick Foley decided to step aside. Though everyone suspects one or two more matches and/or some on-camera personality work before we never see him again. One of wrestling's greatest personalities, lovable characters, craziest bumpers and so on, Mick Foley is a legendary wrestler in many ways.