El Gladiador


Real Name - Luis Ramírez Romero
Lifespan - ?/?/?? - 12/3/65
??? - Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Aliases - El Leñador
Athletic background - Bodybuilding (Mr. Mexico competitor)
Teachers - Enrique Ugartechea
Peak Years - 1950s

Place in History - Pro-wrestling is filled with tragic characters and lucha libre has seen its share. He was an impressive physical specimen who hailed from the world of competitive bodybuilding. Originally he broke in as part of a rival to La Empressa, but that company soon fell and he appeared as El Gladiador. He was the first muscleman superstar in Mexico and quickly ascended the ranks. He became one of El Santo’s first adversaries and they battled over the middleweight championship and masks. Soon after losing his hood, El Gladiador began visibly struggling with his alcoholism. After a wild tag match saw him strike the commissioner, El Gladiador’s career was never the same. He was expelled from Mexico City for several years and when he returned, he was never placed in a top level solo spot again. Within a few years, El Gladiador was slain during a bar fight. His meteoric rise and fall are like few others in pro-wrestling, he is often forgotten as a result.