Giant Haystacks


Real Name - Martin Ruane
Lifespan - ?/?/46 - 12/?/98
6'11" 560 lbs. - Camberwall Green, London, ENG

Aliases - Loch Ness, Loch Ness Monster

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - n/a

Professional background - Britian(`67-`9?), India, Africa, Stampede, WCW(`96)

Groups - Dungeon of Doom

Peak Years - `7_-`87

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Elbowdrop
- Big Splash

Favorites -
- Corner Avalanches
- Bodyslam
- Stomping & Stepping on Opponent
- Illegal Gut Punch
- Overhead Forearms to chest

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 3
science - 1
aerial - 0
power - 6
strikes - 6

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 3
bumping - 4
carrying - 3
heat - 7
legacy - 8

Serious Injuries - Knees, Back

Place in History - Martin Ruane was a gentle giant outside of the ring, but one of the most fierce and nasty big men a pro-wrestling ring has ever seen. He moved to London at a young age and was frequently teased do to his girth. He turned into a tough kid who got into pro-wrestling almost by default. He was painfully shy and hated being in the limelight, so it's a wonder he stuck with it. In the late 70s, British wrestling began growing in popularity and Giant Haystacks was one of the country's biggest TV stars. His feud with the almost-as-large Big Daddy became Britian's most famous and the centerpiece of the World of Sport show. Although both were limited in the ring, they had unique charisma, a well-developed chemistry and both were pushed hard as unbeatable. Giant Haystacks was a brutal heel and enjoyed tours of Europe and was even brought to Calgary. As Haystacks came into his forties his large frame began to take a huge toll on his knees and back. He slowed dramatically and when ITV cancelled World of Sport and British wrestling died, Haystacks entered semi-retirement. Many North American fans might remember him for his brief, but forgettable run in WCW in early 1996. He was a shadow of what he had been in the 70s and 80s - one of the biggest and baddest heels in the world! Not even three years later, Haystacks had passed away. Although people around the world know the Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith and William Regal, none of them achieved the fame in England that Giant Haystacks did when he was one of the biggest celebrities in the country.