Enrique Llanes


Real Name - Enrique Juan Yañez González
Lifespan - 8/24/19 - 9/18/04
??? - Otumbo, Mexico
Aliases - Enrique Yañez
Athletic background - Wrestling, Swimming
Teachers - Tarzán López
Peak Years - 1940s-1950s

Place in History - Enrique Llanes is one of Mexican sports most celebrated figures. He started out as poor locksmith trying to break into lucha libre as it was on its ascention in Mexico. Luckily for young Enrique Yañez he met up with soon-to-be top star Tarzán López. López had been trained by the best and taught Yañez everything - wrestling, hooking and lucha libre. Quickly Yañez was wrestling on the Mexico City shows and had changed the spelling of his name to "Llanes." He was a underdog technico and regularly battled Gory Guerrero. However, when tag team wrestling hit Mexico City, he was propelled into the main events due to his alliance with Tarzán López. The two became "La Pareja Ideal" and battled the numerous rudo teams. His rivalry with Guerrero segued into a feud with El Santo, who was the biggest star in Mexico. The blowoff was a mask-versus-hair match, which Llanes lost. The performance though made his career. He steadily moved up the rankings, defeating Cavernario Galindo, Tarzán López and finally Sugi Sito to capture the NWA World Middleweight Championship, the top belt in Mexico at that time. Enrique Llanes was on top of the lucha libre world, however he did the unthinkable. He challenged the promoter. Salvador Lutteroth had long had a monopoly in Mexico and could manipulate talent if he so chose with little no real consequences. Llanes though vacated the belt and left with Wolf Ruvinskis to form another promotion with backing from Televicentro (which became Televisa) and they started a crazy new promotion with a TV show and studio wrestling, which was just becoming popular in the States. This new company was filled with outrageous character, but Llanes was someone who could provide structure and legitimacy. Although it failed and ultimately killed Enrique Llanes' career as a main event luchador, it opened a new door. Llanes could not wrestle forever and after he returned to La Empressa, he only worked for another seven years. Televicentro though liked him and hired him on as a commentator. Over the next thirty-seven years, Enrique Llanes became a major sports figure as the commentator of boxing, soccer, baseball among other sports. He also did numerous voiceover gigs, radio shows, movie appearances, commercials and TV specials before retiring in 1995. Llanes is remembered by many as a legendary luchador from the original boom, but he is most beloved in Mexico as a legendary sportscaster.