Dutch Mantell


Real Name - Wayne Cowan
Birthdate - 11/29/53
6'2" 225 lbs. - Nashville, TN

Aliases - Texas Dirt, Uncle Zebekiah

Athletic background -

Teachers - n/a

Professional background - Texas(`73-`76), Memphis(`76-`79), Georgia(`81), Memphis(`81-`86), Mid-South(`85), Cont'l(`87), Memphis(`89), WWF, USWA(`97), WWC(`00), IWA(`00-`03), NWA-TNA(`03-)

Groups - First Family

Peak Years - `78-`85

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- ???

Favorites -
- Atomic Drop
- Jumping Elbowdrop
- European Uppercutt
- Toe Kick
- Punch

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 4
science - 2
aerial - 0
power - 7
strikes - 8

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 5
bumping - 6
carrying - 4
heat - 6
legacy - 6

Place in History - Dutch Mantell established himself in the early 80s as a solid performer and he successfully toured all over the South. Named for a turn of the century wrestler of the same name who gained fame in Texas, he too became nicknamed the "Flying Dutchman" though he was neither a highflyer nor from the Netherlands. Instead "Dirty" Dutch was a crude brawler from Texas and he played that role to a tee. Mantell had a nack for Memphis-style wrestling, which is where he broke in and eventually made his money. He enjoyed runs as a roughneck heel and tough babyface. Although he had good runs in a few places, Dutch Mantell achieved the bulk of his success in Tennessee and Puerto Rico. He came up the ladder in Memphis in the late 70s when Jerry Jarrett and Jerry Lawler turned the tide in Memhpis and became one of the hottest territories in the country. Dutch Mantell was there, often in the middle of things. He bounced around some, but largely remained in the area and often returning to the "Memphis-style" companies. In the late 90s, he even had a forgettable stint in the WWF before heading to Puerto Rico. Wrestling had been insanely popular on the island for decades and the split in 1994 drastically changed the dynamics there. In the late 90s, wrestling boomed and Puerto Rico was no different. Mantell, in his late 40s, became a player in the older company WWC before jumping to the IWA in 2000. He eventually became the booker and the genius behind the war between these two companies in the first half of the decade. Mantell booked a Memphis-style with simple stories, strong characters and bloody battles. It worked wonderfully and the IWA was arguably the hottest company in the world when every other company was sagging in attendence and rating numbers. When things were going strong, Dutch returned to Tennessee and has been a key booker in NWA-TNA for the past year plus.