Wahoo McDaniel

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Real Names - Edward Hugh McDaniel
Lifespan - 5/19/38 - 4/19/02
5'11" 245 lbs. - Bernice, OK

Aliases - Mr. Atlanta

Athletic background - Football (NFL)

Teachers - Dory Funk Sr.

Professional background - Indiana(`62), Amarillo(`64-`6?), Florida(`66-`68), Texas(`69-`71), AWA(`73), IWE(`73), Mid-Atlantic(`74-`78), Florida(`78), Georgia(`79), Mid-South(`80), Southwest(`80-`81), Florida(`81-`86), JCP/NWA(`81-`86), Southwest(`83), AWA(`83), Georgia(`83), Texas(`86), AWA(`88), WCW(`89), AWA(`89-`90), Indies(`90-`94)

Groups - none

Peak Years - `64-`77

Career Highlights -
- Becomes a big star in Amarillo coming off his football career and rejuventates the territory
- Plays a major part in establishing Florida as a wrestling hotbed in the late 60s
- Along with Johnny Valentine turns around the Carolinas in the mid-70s
- Turns heel on numerous up-and-comers in the Southeast and enjoys a strong last run in the mid-80s
- Wrestles NWA Champion Ric Flair in a memorable 40+ minute 2/3 falls match at "Battle of the Belts"

Finisher(s) -
- Sleeper
- Indian Deathlock

Favorites -
- Tomahawk Chop (Overhead Chop)
- Butterfly Suplex
- Suplex
- Headbutt
- Chop

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 5
science - 3
aerial - 0
power - 7
strikes - 10

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 7
selling - 8
bumping - 7
carrying - 7
heat - 10
legacy - 7

Serious Injuries - Torn Rotator Cuff

Place in History - Though Don Eagle and Jay Strongbow carried the "Chief" title and were good in their own way, it seems Wahoo McDaniel was just in a class all his own. Though he was only 1/18 of the Native American heritage that made him a superstar, perhaps no other in the latter half of the century was more famous than Chief Wahoo McDaniel. An outstanding athlete, McDaniel used to wrestle in the off season, but soon he made it a full-time occupation. Wildly popular wherever he went and he went practically everywhere, McDaniel was a perpetual top-of-the-card kind of wrestler. He worked so many great programs, but the standouts were with Johnny Valentine, for it's off-the-charts physicality; Ric Flair, the feud that put the youngster on the map; and Superstar Billy Graham, which was highlighted by leather strap matches. One could argue for numerous others, but the first one is without a doubt his greatest and the latter two were so important in establishing those up-and-coming heels. McDaniel's tight style was his trademark and perhaps no one thing was more feared in the sport than Wahoo's chop. It didn't leave much to the imagination and was really in a class all its own. Probably the greatest Native American wrestler to ever lace 'em up and true credit to the sport was the late Chief Wahoo McDaniel.