The Moondogs (Spot & Rex)


Real Names - Larry Booker (Spot), Rex (Randy Culley)
Birthdates/Lifespans - n/a - 11/29/03 (Spot); 5/4/?? (Rex)
Spot - 6'2" 290 lbs.
Rex - ?'?" 290 lbs.

Aliases - Larry Latham (Spot); Smash, Deadeye Dick, Sailor White, Randy the Mountaineer, The Assassin, Detroit Demolisher (Rex)

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - n/a

Professional background (Moondog Teams) - WWF(`81-`82), Georgia(`82-`83), Memphis(`83), WWC(`84), WWF(`85), USWA(`91-`94), SMW(`93-`94), USWA(`96), Tennessee Indies(`9?-`03)

Groups - Moondogs

Peak Years - `81-`91

Career Highlights -
- The Moondogs (Rex & King) beat Tony Garea & Rick Martel to win to WWF titles
- Spot replaces King and finds his calling in the wrestling world
- The Moondogs feud with the Fabulous Ones in a heated program that establishes them in Memphis
- Help business rebound for the USWA by feuding with Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett
- The Moondogs enjoy one last run in SMW battling the Bruise Brothers

Finisher(s) -
- Bone Shot

Favorites -
- Big Splash
- Turnbuckle Smash
- Gutshot
- Bionic Elbow
- Punch

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 4/3
science - 0/0
aerial - 1/0
power - ?/?
strikes - 6/5

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6/4
selling - 4/4
bumping - 5/4
carrying - 4/3
heat - 6
legacy - 5

Place in History - It all started with "Moondog" Lonnie Mayne who brought the gimmick to New York to later be expanded by Vince MacMahon Sr. when Captian Lou Albano brought in Rex and King to chase the titles. King had been a successful heel in Montreal and Rex was just breaking in, but they immediately won the belts. King began having visa problems and the company replaced him with Larry Booker. The new Moondog, named Spot, had seen some success in Memphis as half of the "Blonde Bombers" with Wayne Ferris (later known as the Honky Tonk Man). He came in with a title around his waist with the gimmick that King had been hit by a car that he was chasing. After dropping the belts back to Tony Garea and Rick Martel, the Moondogs left for Memphis. Here they firmly established themselves by feuding with the Fabulous Ones and Jerry Lawler in numerous wild brawls. They returned to the WWF and did not do much other than have involvement in Paul Orndorff's turning on Hulk Hogan, which became a major house show program for the company. Spot basically became a jobber, though a colorful one, before finally leaving the WWF to cash in on the Moondogs' legacy. While Rex was an original, Spot took the Moondog gimmick to the next level. He opened a school and became mainly a mind behind the scenes and helped numerous groups. Over the next ten years, Spot also teamed with a variety of Moondog partners: Spike, Cujo, Splat, Fido, Rover, Puppy Love, the Black Moondog and even Fifi. He and Spike (who replaced Rex) had a major run in the USWA in some brawls that helped the company a bit as it was just hanging on. Later he and Splat (working as "Rex") worked in the Smoky Mountains and USWA again, which was the groups last notable run. Spot had an appearance on NWA-TNA a few months before suffering a heartattack in the ring, which ended his life in fall of 2003. With him the Moondog name has likely died (for now) as his family requested it be retired.