Rick Steiner

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Real Name - Rob Rechsteiner
Birthdate - 3/9/61
5'11" 245 lbs. - Detroit, MI

Aliases - Rob Rexsteiner

Athletic background - Wrestling, Football (University of Michigan)

Teachers - Eddie Sharkey; Buzz Sawyer

Professional background - AWA(`83), Montreal, UWF(`87), JCP/NWA(`87-`88), WCW(`88-`92), New Japan(`91-`92), WWF(`93-`95), ECW(`95), WCW(`96-`01), New Japan(`00,`02), Indies(`01-) WWA(`02), NWA-TNA(`02)

Groups - Hyatt & Hot Stuff International, Varsity Club, Dudes with Attitudes, Magnificent Seven

Peak Years - `89-`96

Career Highlights -
- Defeats Mike Rotundo for his first of three NWA/WCW TV titles
- Teams with Eddie Gilbert to win the NWA US Tag titles from Steve Williams & Kevin Sullivan
- Along with brother Rick, defeats the Freebirds to win their first NWA tag titles
- Teams with Rick to defeat Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow to win the IWGP tag belts
- Beats Money Inc. with brother Rick to win their first of two WWF tag titles

Finisher(s) -
- Flying Bulldog
- Super Overhead Belly-to-Belly
- Steinerline (Lariat)

Favorites -
- Catching Powerslam
- Release German Suplex
- Canadian Backbreaker into corner
- Belly-to-Belly
- Punch

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 6
science - 2
aerial - 2
power - 9
strikes - 6

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 4
bumping - 5
carrying - 5
heat - 7
legacy - 6

Serious Injuries - Left Bicep (Required Surgery)

Place in History - Rick Steiner is one of the rare exceptional amateurs who really blossomed into a good pro. While he was never a top flight worker persay, Rick knew his strengths and played to them. Thankfully promoters did too and put Steiner in the right places early on in his pro-wrestling career. He really developed as a brawling powerhouse in Bill Watts' UWF and found a great place in the formative years of WCW. When his brother Scott was brought in the two of them quickly turned into one of the best tag teams in the world. Over the next seven years, the Steiner Brothers cemented their place as possibly the best American tag team of the 1990s with strong runs in the WCW (twice) and the WWF as well as frequent tours with New Japan. The duo's success was only periodically setback by Scott's injuries, but for the most part they were a premier tag team for that stretch of time and had some really good matches to boot. After Scott's heel turn in `97, Rick's career was thrown into disarray and he spent his late 30s in the midcard getting pushes or being out. Since WCW's death, the "Dog-Faced Gremlin" hasn't done much aside from the odd indy show and various international appearances, typically doing a poor job.