Tiger Jeet Singh


Real Name - Jagjit Singh Hans
Birthdate - n/a
6'3" 265 lbs. - Toronto, ONT

Aliases - Tiger Jeet Singh Sr.

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - Fred Atkins

Professional background - Toronto(`65-`77), Australia(`71), New Japan(`73-`81), UWA(`80), All Japan(`81), Canadian Indies(`84-), Japanese Indies(`94-)

Peak Years - `71-`78

Career Highlights -
- Beats Johnny Valentine for the Toronto version of the US title
- Turns babyface in Toronto to become an ethnic draw in the vein of the WWWF
- Headlines against the undefeated Shiek before the first 18,000 person sellout at Maple Leaf Gardens
- Makes his first appearance with New Japan, attacking Antonio Inoki outside of a department store
- Teams with Abdullah the Butcher to take on Inoki & Giant Baba in a battle of dream teams for a joint card

Finisher(s) -
- Tiger Claw (Neckclaw)
- Cobra Sleeper (Cobra Clutch)

Favorites -
- Foreign Object
- Kick
- Overhead Forearm

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 2
science - 1
aerial - 0
power - ?
strikes - 5

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 4
bumping - 4
carrying - 3
heat - 8
legacy - 6

Place in History - One of the legendary madmen in pro-wrestling, Tiger Jeet Singh's success is undeniable though his ability is questionable. Singh appears to many to be a man who was in the right place at the right time. He has a level of charisma that allowed him to become a promising heel in the late 60s. Frank Tunney turned him face in his home territory of Toronto, where there was a large Indian and Hindu population. While Singh had long seemed like a weak version of The Shiek and Abdullah the Butcher, he was now a wild babyface to counteract such evil heels. While he continued his success in Toronto, Singh ventured to Japan to become a tremendous star opposite of Antonio Inoki, who was at his peak. He became a big star as a sword-wielding Indian and even jumped to All Japan for big money in the early 80s. Tiger Jeet Singh made his name in Japan for years to come and he's able to get high-priced indy dates and the odd big show dates to this day. Singh invested his earning wisely and now runs a successful import-export business and he owns a lavish mansion near Toronto. His son even tried his hand at wrestling in the mid-90s as kind of an opposite version of his father as a well-groomed heel of better ability but without the golden opportunities. Tiger Jeet Singh is sometimes considered the least talented main eventer in several major companies, which is perhaps a far knock. However, he made a ton of money and is remembered by many.