Naomichi Marufuji


Report Last Updated - 12/07 (Winter)
Real Name - Naomichi Marufuji
Birthdate - 9/26/79
5'9" 176 lbs. - Kitaadachi, Saitama, Japan

Aliases - none

Athletic background - Wrestling (High School)

Professional background - All Japan(`95-`00), NOAH(`00-), ROH(`05-`07)


Career Highlights -
- Defeats Naohiro Hoshikawa at the first Zero-One Pay-Per-View
- Wrestles Tatsuhito Takaiwa at Zero-One's second PPV
- Beats Takaiwa to avenge the PPV loss and captures the GHC Junior Heavyweight belt
- Teams with KENTA to win the GHC Junior Tag titles
- Captures the GHC Heavyweight title from Jun Akiyama

Finisher(s) -
- Shiranui (Ropewalk Flipping Ace Crusher)
- Pole Shift (Fisherman Driver)
- Shiranui Kai (Single Spanish Fly)
- Super Shiranui
- Wrist-Clutch Shiranui
- Low Tiger Suplex
x Corner-to-corner Swandive Dropkick
x Perfect Cradle (Armlock Cradle)

Favorites -
- German Suplex
- Flash Kick (Superkick)
- Sneaky Axe Bomber
- Jumping Back Elbow in corner
- Elbow

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 10
science - 5
aerial - 4
power - 8
strikes - 9

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 9
selling - 9
bumping - 9
heat - 8
carrying - 9
push - 7
potential - 6

Serious Injuries - ACL (Required Surgery)

Outlook - NOAH's premier highspot machine at the time of their birth, Naomichi Marufuji has grown incredibly in the past decade. He probably never would have achieved the same level of success in All Japan, but Marufuji's superstar presence and excellent in-ring ability have pushed him to the top in NOAH. At first, he was just a dynamic worker and took him a while to take his game to the next level. His tag team with KENTA was perhaps the best of the decade and when they finally split they became amazing rivals. Marufuji began adding some bulk and competing amongst heavyweights. Once known as the good-looking spotster, Marufuji is now perhaps the best worker in NOAH. He has refined his style without becoming dull, which makes him the complete package that he has always had the potential to become. Naomichi Marufuji is entering his prime and hopefully he can become the headline star that NOAH needs in the next couple years.

- Springboard Moonsault Suicida
- Double Springboard Tope con Hilo
- German Suplex 3
- Slingshot Elbowdrop 2
- Flash Kick (Superkick) 5 Dropkick, Bodyslam2, Sneaky Axe Bomber6, Corner Lariat, Frog Splash, Jumping Back Elbow in corner6, Butterfly Bomb into CrossArm2, Elbow3, Cravate w/ Knee Strikes, Solebutt, Crossface Chickenwing, Corner Enzui Lariat, Slingshot Dropkick thru ropes (opp. down), Rocker Drop Head Stomp2, Knee to Gut, Seated Dropkick (opp. down)2, Powerbomb, Falling Kneelift, Springboard Dropkick, Reverse Crossface Hold, Leg-Trapped Cravate, Springboard Seated Dropkick (opp. down), Springboard Lariat,