Angelina Love


Angel Williams / Angelina Love on
Report Last Updated - 5/08 (Spring)
Real Name - Lauren Williams
Birthdate - 9/13/81
5'6" 118 lbs. - Toronto, ONT

Aliases - Angel Williams, Canadian Aggel

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - Rob Fuego; Jody Hamilton, Bill DeMott [DSW Camp]

Professional background - Indies(`00-`05), DSW(`05-`07), OVW(`07), AAA(`07), TNA(`07-)

Groups - none

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Pump Kick
x Cramp Clutch (Modified Camel Clutch)
x Lights Out (Complete Shot)

Favorites -
- Reverse Stunner
- Bodyslam
- Seated Dropkick to downed opponent
- Elbowdrop
- Chop

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 5
science - 1
aerial - 2
power - 6
strikes - 5

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 5
selling - 4
bumping - 5
heat - 5
carrying - 3
push - 7
potential - 7

Outlook - Angel Williams is a protege of Rob Fuego like Gail Kim, Traci Brooks, Shantelle Taylor and Tiana Ringer. All these girls effectively combine sex appeal with pro-wrestling ability. While Angel Williams was more of the former, it was what the WWE was looking for when they picked her up in 2005. In Deep South Wrestling, Williams was one of the premier female talents and was even dubbed "The Queen Diva." She was frequently a valet for talent that had potential, but did not last. When DSW was shut down, Williams was briefly relocated to OVW before being released. Although she might have just stopped, she was quickly signed by TNA, made over with a new name that suggested she was a porn star, paired with Velvet Sky (Talia Madison) and made a top heel in the Knockouts division. Love is the veteran of the "Beautiful People" tag team and a competant heel, but her in-ring abilities are limited. The Knockouts division is quickly becoming oversaturated and if Angelina Love fails to impress when she's given big chances, she may lose a spot in TNA as well.

Toe Kick2, Enzugiri, Pump Kick3, Elbow2, Chin Crusher, Powerbomb, Flying Bodypress, Hairpull Throw on Neck, Penalty Dropkick, Running Knee (opp. bent over), Chop3, Lariat, Reverse Stunner2, Rope Stunner, Sidekick, Mounted Punches2, Overhead Forearm2, Bodyslam2, DTH into corner, Bulldog, Foot Choke in the corner, Corner Lariat, Snap Suplex, DTH, Elbowdrop2, Seated Dropkick (opp. down), Hairlift and Headslam, Mounted Chinlock,