Kyosuke Sasaki


Birthdate - 10/17/79
5'6" 185 lbs. - Japan

Athletic background - n/a

Professional background - RINGS(`01), DEEP(`02-), ZST(`02), U-Style(`03-)

Team - U-File

Career Highlights - n/a

Favorites -
- Flying Armbar
- Reverse Triangle
- Cross Armbreaker
- Cross Heel Hold
- Belly-to-Belly
- Kneebar

Ringwork Rating -
technique - 7
science - 6
counters - 6
transitions - 7
diversity - 5
power - 6
strikes - 5

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 7
toughness - 8
carrying - 6
heat - 5
potential - 7

Outlook - Kyosuke Sasaki is one of the real hot prospects in U-Style, whose previous experience in RINGS and various MMA groups give him a legimacy to his approach. Sasa has added unique moves rarely seen in MMA and understands how to have interesting pro matches. Despite being one of smallest workers on the roster, Sasaki has been pushed strongly and seems like a candidate to be a star of the company, if it sticks around. Hopefully for Sasa, U-Style can give him some wider recognition and hopefully he can accomplish more in MMA or get some shots in bigger pro-wrestling companies and establish himself as a good worker with many years ahead of him.