What is your username?

What is your password?

Which of the following statements describes you (check as many as apply)?

  1. I am a chicken
  2. I can dish it out better than I can take it
  3. Everything I say has zero worth
  4. I should be given up on
  5. I am precious and deserve a hug
  6. I know everything and do not need to listen to anyone to know exactly what they are going through
  7. I am a fucking asshole
  8. I can rub my head and pat my belly at the same time

What do you feel the best approach would be to interacting with Cynthia via email, since a irl hug is impossible at the moment?

  1. Just don't write to her
  2. Write nice things to her
  3. Write mean things to her

Which of the following artists do you like? (to select multiple, hold down ctrl key)
note: this list generated by random selection from my CD rack. My statistics prof always told us we should have at least a sample size of 30 to make any statements about the population of interest.

Which of the following artists have you listened to more than one or two songs on the radio?

P.S. I generated this list before reading your latest missive on music and its meaning. Thought I'd leave it in anyway since it took some work. Also, I do not like Hootie and the Blowfish. So if that is the dividing line then I am in the no Hootie camp.

Do you have any additional comments?

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