Ray A. James

Picture #22


Technology Application Standards Activities that I have addressed

are in a narrative paragraph format with this table that includes:

Standards I, II, III, and IV.


Standard 1

Standard 1.1s

Demonstrating knowledge and use of my operating system, along software applications, and communicating by doing the various activities that have required knowledge of the systems is important. Knowledge and appropriate use of operating systems has been shown by maintaining and configuring of my system to meet the demands taking this graduate level course as a web course.  In regards to software applications, we constantly have to choose which software is appropriate for teaching.

Standard 1.2s

My computer has an Inkjet Printer, Mustek Scanner, and Fax machine. I have a Pentium III with a 3.5 floppy drive, a Sony Recordable and ReWritable CD ROM, a Argus digital camera, and a 56K Modem, as well as a 12 gig hard drive, and I know how to use them.

Standard 1.3s

Various software for this class has been primarily in Word and Netscape.  Tables can easily be done in Word, Access, Excel, or Power Point.  Word text is interchangeable with other software. However all software must be appropriate, effective, and efficient. Also the use of Microsoft sound recorders that have a microphone can be used with other software when used properly.

Standard 1.4s

Most of our demonstration has been with Ucompass where we have to cut, paste, and edit. Netscape works best with images on the Ucompass. We have demonstrated this by using the appropriate file format for pasting. Having the right browser makes working with campus computers and off campus computers is important.

Standard 1.5s

Using appropriate terminology such as when chatting on the internet and fulfilling the requirements of this course are important when seeking technical assistance or doing reflections.

Standard 1.6s

This standard refers to basic software applications to create documents. We have learned to use certain commands to save documents and relocate them by using the save as feature. Software programs require the knowledge of how to create, modify, print and save documents. Other applications we have used to create web pages with are Notepad.

Standard 1.7s

Using digital technologies is cleaner and holds transfer information better than analogue. Using digital ISDN lines are faster and clearer than old analogue phone lines were.  CD’s are clearer than using cassette tapes to record with.

Standard 1.8s

We have had to use all of the items mentioned in this section except LANs and WANs, and the text has discussed those as well.  E-mail has been an essential communication tool in this web course, we have been constantly using and sharing URLs, bookmarks have saved us tons of time, and we had to learn the basics of HTML.

Standard 1.9s

WANs and the internet don’t need to be in the same location or based on a single server.  LANs and intranets are usually local in nature, and are similar to the server-based systems that we use in school. 

Standard 1.10s

My computer has all the added features of input devices and I use a KTX mouse. I am familiar with digital cameras; printers, scanners, disks, modems, CD-ROM and can use all of them.

Standard 1.11s

Demonstrating keyboard proficiency and technique are things that improve with practice. I have always been a great typist, particularly when I had to revamp my skill in the military. Keyboarding is nothing new to me. In this course, I have demonstrated proper key control commands as were pointed out by Dr. Espinoza, such as Control S to be ready to save your work for file. The key to being a good typist on a keyboard or computer is proper posture and wrist posture. Nearly all of our assignments have been used with keyboarding. Keyboarding skills are the nuts and bolts to higher commands when productivity can be increased!

Standard 1.12s

Using appropriate keyboard standards includes good grammaticism and ethical standards that can be correctly used and identified so we won’t offend anyone. We try to use them with appropriate mannerism that is “etiquette” in nature.

Standard 1.13s

Imagery qualities while using GIF and JPEG are important and must be used appropriately. Another strategy is burning CD’s and making music and photo albums. PDF’s are good for storing text documents. We must also develop strategies for capturing digital files that conserve memory and retain quality images.

Standard 1.14s

Discussing copyright laws, violations, computer hacking, privacy, and virus settings is something we have done inc class and is practiced by me almost daily. We discussed this in our chat session and on our assignments. Having respect for others is important. Also, good use internet copyright laws means putting them in good use. We must also learn to protect out domain and use firewalls when necessary.

Standard 1.15s

Citing sources with MLA or APA styles is something anyone should need to do when doing research projects. The professor may have a modified approach to this as in Dr. Espinoza’s class. However, the quality and standard must still be there. Modeling ethical acquisition and using digital information is a must.

Standard 1.16s

By using our name, email address, and picture number when we send messages in Dr. Espinoza’s class has been part of showing proper etiquette and knowledge. Also addressing the issue of each person’s name when we reply to someone on the webboard or by email. Also, using antivirus software keeps electronic information usable. When working in a classroom is important to make everyone aware of what is expected of them.

Standard 1.17s

 I have enjoyed surfing the web for articles pertaining to our abstracts and have used observation techniques to become a better student. We must learn to decipher facts from fiction, when analyzing sites of importance particularly in reference to students. Building websites and watching everybody do the same, is a fun and rewarding exercise of higher learning activities.

Standard 1.18s

Studying and making a webquest on possible future careers is something I have demonstrated in this class. Working and learning with students of various ages and ethnic backgrounds is something I have done throughout my life. We all must learn to make the right decisions today that will effect us for now on.


Technology Application Standards Activities:

Standard 2

Standard 2.1s

Strategies are important when locating desired information from collaborative software and on networks. In this class, I have used search methods that required the use of google advanced, NETS, and STARFISH that enhance online features for better searching techniques designed to assist the researcher for collaborative software. In my classes I have accessed both internet and intranet that shows information on my school district in support towards TEKS, etc. The internet has been used to log-on and uses the Netscape browser in support of webquests and resource guides.

Standard 2.2s

Teachers must use appropriate strategies when extracting desired information. Using different variations and different forms of a particular word or phrase will improve your results. The Boolean search strategies work with the Plump Starfish worksheet that we went over earlier in the semester, but was also shown when we combined the searches on the ERIC project to focus in on our area of interest.

Standard 2.3s

Identifying, creating, and using various file types such as bitmap, graphics, images takes time and patients and is something that we deal with constantly, from selecting the appropriate file type to save. It is also very important when choosing what to save as with scanned files. Acrobat reader saves a lot of time and works with PDF files.  Also, it is sometimes a question of file size and image results when selecting to save a picture as a GIF or in JPEG or another file format.

Standard 2.4s

Using pocket storage devices such as a hard disk or zip disk resolves storage problems and is considered a secondary storage with remote features. Also, when the computer is low on hard drive or when the project may need to be completed later using secondary storage and remote devices helps save your work. Also, maintaining an accessible storage of e-mail in our ISPs for this web course for various other data helps keep you organized. I have been using Recordable and ReWritable CD ROMs for various data files and for music, and we have had to manage our uploaded files on Ucompass for this course.

Standard 2.5s

Using online help is an invaluable source of information, and can easily be document with Microsoft word. In this class, there are numerous on-line support help commands in Netscape Composer and on the webboard. All help features on software are usually easily to follow and sometimes aid in registering your software so you can continue working on your project.

Standard 2.6s

All users of the internet must learn to determine if the information they have is reliable and usable. Our abstracts we created in our Journals needed to follow certain guidelines to make them authentic. Not believing everything you read and deciphering information is important.

Standard 2.7s

The conflicts that I have resolved while accessing, researching, and comparing are based on links that actually work. Also, unifying the information to support your claim. While working on Chapter 15 in our text “Integrating Technology into Teaching,” I have found some of the links were deleted or weren't listed properly. Research has to be accurate, concise, and easy to follow. The trick is finding replacements of the links and also how to use various software for integrating images and text.

Standard 2.8s

Identifying the source, the location, and the media type will help serve it purposes when determining if it is usable.  The importance of quoting the correct source, location and media type is needed. Students need to know how to evaluate information and follow rubric guidelines.


Technology Application Standards Activities:

Standard 3

Standard 3.1s

Planning, creating and editing word processing documents is something that we have all have had to do. We need to find out what type of information needs to be organized. Then we would brainstorm the best way to use that information that shows clarity. All students need to have experience creating a document and using rubrics when needed. Using a table is another way to create a document.

Standard 3.2s

Planning, creating, and editing spreadsheets is something that I use daily when teaching. Using spreadsheets in excel or access helps create better use of charts. We have used them in our Web Quest lesson plans.

Standard 3.3s

Planning, creating, and editing databases is important in a lot of jobs that use data base systems. In research projects data base systems quickly aids you when retrieving information. 

Standard 3.4s

Word processing documents are used with administrators, teachers, and students to make proposals, offer, bids, letters, and notes that require multimedia-authoring programs to finish projects.  My Web Quest is an example of a multimedia-authoring project.  The webquest itself is a web page that requires searching on the Internet, and also involves spreadsheet design and creation.

Standard 3.5s

Plan, create and edit a document using desktop publishing techniques is important. Of all the software programs out there this one I like most primarily for business use. In my BCIS class that was desktop publishing, I created menus, calendars, and business cards. All of these required following step-by-step procedures using various formats, multisections, and text-wrapped features. The key to any of it finding the right images that you would like to display. Another aspect of this is editing material to condense it into your program. Also, using various styles of fonts and color schemes enhances your work.

Standard 3.6s

Graphic tools work very well with children. One example of this is with Kid Pix. Also, desktop publishers must be accurate when creating graphics. Publishing firms use them all the time. All business teachers must know how to demonstrate proper use of them. Photo Draw and Coral Draw is another graphic tool that is user friendly and can be used to paint with.

Standard 3.7s

Integrating two or more productive tools on our Web Quest have been graphics, word processing, and Netscape Composer. All links must be appropriate and usable in a single document.

Standard 3.8s

Virtual reality or simulations must be appropriate with the grade level. Learning material must be suitable toward making adjustments to demonstrate proper use. Technology is advancing so quick we must learn to see what would be appropriate to use. Simulations in games are something that all students like; however it may not suit the teacher when higher learning activities may be used.

Standard 3.9s

A technical writing strategy would be to use an instruction guide such as this one or a resource guide that advises on technical know-how such as studying JAVA. Another example of technical writing might involve NASA PROJECTS or similar, to create new designs and features for assembly of work.

Standard 3.10s

Creating new projects such as puzzles or job applications encourages enrichment with a subject matter. Using curriculum in school can be enhanced with artistic endeavors or more visual aids.

Standard 3.11s

In my computer and technology classes I have used electronic communities as a learner, initiator, and contributor. The key to being in a community electronic board is timing, knowledge, and cooperative learning activities. The webboard and chat sessions serve as good communication learning devices that help initiate strategic learning and helps you focus on content learning. Further research based on the contributor's response, the learner, and the initiator leads to the advancement of higher technical learning and measures what is coherent in your contributions. Group projects brings on positive learning where sharing becomes a part of being productive. Critiquing leads to better grades, etc.

Standard 3.12s

Chatting sessions that involve collaboration on the internet builds positive reinforcement and peer support. The Web Board that we have used makes a good collection of thoughts that builds up each chapter we read and is a sharing device.

Standard 3.13s

I have experimented with various groupware, collaborative software, and productivity tools to create products. I have also used Microsoft products that included a group license to install on computers in my classroom that are user friendly. Most computer labs in High School are required to have specific programs that are controlled by the teacher to assess, to teach, and to grade with. One such program is for beginning algebra students. Groupware software creates unity and focus. Also, I have used puzzle makers to create products that showed collaborative results, such as on our webquest for example.

Standard 3.14s

Making field projects with a particular audience has been self-directing. Most of our projects have included the use of graphics or pictures that have been inserted into products that require cutting and pasting from other sources.

Standard 3.15s

Integrating acquired technology applications with all the various added features is something we have done in this class such as with our Web Quest and Resource Guide. Building Web Quests requires the use of utility programs and enrichment curriculum.

Standard 3.16s

Each week we have been responsible for time limits, reviews, and weekly reflections that show progress we have made to improve our processing of material and our understanding. Our grade sheet also serves as a track trend.

Standard 3.17s

Using reliable data base systems such as with ERIC digest creates validity. Also, logging on the Texas A & M Commerce library site, is away to compare data from multiple sources.


Technology Application Standards Activities:

Standard 4

Standard 4.1s

PowerPoint’s make good slide shows and creative presentations. In all my computer classes particularly Desktop publishing and BCIS, I have used slide shows, posters, multimedia presentations, newsletters, and brochures for a particular audience. I have used office software that has various programs to administer to certain clients of mine, when I was doing freelance work in writing. While teaching I have used other various equipment such slide shows in my speech class that made learning easy and productive. Making newsletters in my Business classes for my students has been fun and rewarding and has created more activities. All these components create high resolution and color printed activities that I have accomplished with various printers. Using my digital camera, I have also created products that can be easily distributed and filed for later use that are for distance education and accomplishments.

Standard 4.2s

Demonstrating the use of various database systems such as with students that have a horizontal and vertical layout that shows the name, date of birth, and address of every student would be important. Using folders that that have sub folders, store data on our Ucompass files that show abstracts, webquests, and resource guides. Using accounting software supports proper horizontal and vertical layouts.

Standard 4.3s

Using a variety of spreadsheet layouts that describe labels and pages setting is important when calculating and reporting data. Using formula data allows the compute to do the work. Labels are text entries that address the toolbar with word processing.

Standard 4.4s

When creating a document all pages should be attractive and appropriate for what they are being created for. Using different fonts and styles makes creating a document design more enjoyable. Two fonts per page are usually acceptable.

Standard 4.5s

Matching the chart style to the data when creating labels is important when learning new concepts. It is important to use the right type of chart or graph based on the type of data being displayed.  Appropriate and informative labeling is a basic for charts, graphs, and spreadsheets.

Standard 4.6s

Publishing information in a variety of ways requires the use of video’s, monitor displays, and internet documents, as been an ongoing task with this my school projects at Texas A & M Commerce. Using HTML would also be important when displaying information on websites. Learning to use screen savers on a computer is important. Making icons is typical on a computer. Learning to use digital camera to display on my desktop is often needed. Video cameras can be used to tape lectures and school use.

Standard 4.7s

Using a chat forum to develop an interdisciplinary multimedia lesson plan that includes audio, video controls, text, and graphics for a defined audience is quickly discussed and often apart of any assignment.  Hypermedia would be an example of this.

Standard 4.8s

I have used several internet browsers with this course. I have used video conferencing as a media player to listen to news, business proposals, and church sermons. I have used Netscape and Internet Explorer through-out my college my days at MSU and Texas A & M Commerce for research, analyzing, and displaying information to support certain subjects for future discussions. I have used fax and email for sending and receiving information that creates time efficiency. I have used various software programs to create web design features and web pages. I have used the Internet to create my own publishing material such as business cards for the news media.

Standard 4.9s

Using monthly planners and daily planners is something I do each day on my computer to be to stick to a busy schedule. I constantly review my data to determine what lesson plans I might need and what subject or topic of discussion might be beneficial.

Standard 4.10s

Rubrics are the possible source of information for students to follow to employ a specific project that shows content delivery, purpose, and a specified audience. Students would have to be responsible for each assignment.

Standard 4.11s

Searching for appropriate examples of rubrics and other evaluation material is important for the development of students. I would cut and paste what I needed and develop them into a WebPages to follow specific directions.

Standard 4.12s

I have used office 2000 software that has created coordination and relevance toward learning. I have identified and evaluated technical resources to make my Resource Guide complete. I have used TEK guidelines to support my collections of work for later use. I have used numerous software catalogs and CD's to integrate material for lesson plans. I have collected data and developed my learning experiences, to make them more appealing, resourceful and usable.


Technology Application Standards Activities:

Standard 5



Using technology lessons with various instructional strategies is part of adapting to your students particular needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is what is emphasized here. Students must learn to synthesize and analyze when learning certain material to create higher learning. Co-operative learning strategies also play an important role.



Equity issues are significant and must be addressed based on gender, ethnicity, language, disabilities, and accessibility. We all learn differently and must develop our own study habits that ensure success. Teachers are responsible for setting the learning environment in class. Females should be encouraged to participate in class and not be bullied by males who often may appear domineering. Studying multicultural issues, resolves a lot of issues when dealing with various students.



Problem-solving and decision-making situations is part of any class and should be used to develop leadership that shows growth and understanding. We all must plan, select, and implement to make effective lesson plans. The Web Quest that I designed was for students to know how to find a job.



Collaboration and teamwork is a must when developing school projects with technology. Teammates may be asked to rate their peers according to contributions and participation in certain assignments.



Teaching the TEKS in technology applications is apart of being a certified teacher. I have followed other teacher’s lesson plans that contributed toward state guidelines and have been helpful with students.



As a business teacher or technology teacher this is a must. Technology changes by the minute and we all know resources are the bread and butter toward building websites such as in our resource guide. Resources also need to be authentic and as close to the original as possible when expressing your values in teaching. Having a membership to any organization such as Marketing Research Association helps with research tips.



My Web Quest was a good example of this as I developed TEKS and standards that address my lesson plan to ensure the success of the students. Business Communications is what I did my Web Quest on.



As discussed with Dr. Espinoza we must always pay for our programs that we use based on legal and ethical standards of being a teacher. However, our Netscape Composer was a free download that allowed us to use what we needed in this class. It also allowed us to register our software that is a requirement of any program that you use. Students also need to be aware of good sources that must be properly documented.



We have used the Resource Guide to properly demonstrate activities and material to improve students in reference to technology and TEKS.

Standard 5.10s

Reading comprehension is important.  Students must learn to survey, question, read, review, and recite information that connects to other text material and is part of their assignment and makes them aware of what is important by synthesizing. This ensures that students stay focused and on-task and are able to comprehend.

Standard 5.11s

This standard is necessary for students who take business classes who must learn to write to be efficient enough to type up a business letter and should follow basic grammar guidelines. Words are the bread and butter when getting one's attention. We must learn to be salesman and that we should think good about what we do and sell ourselves on our writing.

Standard 5.12s

Teaching students how to locate the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar content-related words using appropriate sources, such as dictionaries, thesaurus's, and glossaries is important and an example would be Thesaurus.Com.

Standard 5.13s

I have a lot of experience in the classroom but don’t have my own classroom that supports grading books. Attendance is something I do on a regular basis. A software program called: “Sasipro”, is for grading that I have never used. However, Lotus is something I have used to develop plans and notes. I have used your simple grading books to record grades and attendance.

Standard 5.14s

Students must be properly evaluated to determine their level of learning. Projects and portfolios help create self-awareness, and are part of urging students to be the best they can possibly be, and to learn what is important. Rubrics help provided the needed support for students to do this. All students should be given an equal opportunity regardless of their learning capacity. I am strongly in favor of the use of rubrics, as they let the students know what is expected of them. 

Standard 5.15s

Collecting observable and measurable data is part of grading students progress. All instructions can be adjusted to teach to what level of understanding would be appropriate. The key to progress is making it difficult enough to be able to go to the next grade level satisfactory.

Standard 5.16s

All teachers should teach according to if it would achieve success for the students and teach the material at-hand. We must learn to reflect, adapt, evaluate, and readjust to skills being taught in technology.

Standard 5.17s

Teachers must develop and implement individual plans that build professional growth. Joining a professional organization such as ISTE that supports teachers is what this is about. This, and personal interest and curiosity, was why I joined ISTE.  Also, purchasing software such as office 2000 helps ensures the professional growth anyone might need.

Standard 5.18s

Incorporating new strategies is important when teaching students who have various learning capacities. I like to build students up by engaging their interests that builds self-esteem, to improve their classroom performance pertaining to technology.