
"One nation, under God:" Religious discrimination or a nice thing to say during the pledge of allegience?


  Did you know that the Pledge of allegiance was not copyrighted?

  I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

This is the original Pledge of Allegiance, the first copy written in October 11, 1892. It was amended several times until at last the final copy was established on June 14, 1954.  President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved "under God," stating that God was our strongest resource in peace and war. 

What am I trying to say? This all goes to show that, documents can be amended at any time to fit the needs of a society.  The original author of the pledge was anonymous, maybe he just didn't want to deal with the politics this involved, maybe he was an atheist because he didn't add the words god, God or whatever to his document or maybe he was just trying to show patriotism for his country because someone needed to.  This was the simple document to show it in. 

The United States of America, hasn't always been fair but I guess there has to be rules and standards in life, in order to avoid complete chaos.  History has changed and people change, laws and documents are changed so that everyone is accommodated.  Women can now vote because the laws have been changed.  History evolves and revolves, that's life. 

  As an atheist, I don't necessarily believe the words god, God or one nation under anything should be written.  I think I would have felt the same way  when I  spent 12 years  in Catholic school.   To me, the Pledge of Allegiance had no meaning in School.  We stood up and looked at the Flag and said words, then we turned to the front  to a crucifix and said a prayer.  It wasn't until last September that I felt anything for the Flag, anything for my nation.  It wasn't until people proved to be supportive of the human life around them, that I felt I was one with a great nation.

We need no words to be Patriots, we just need be Patriots.