About  writersgalore

Bill Bottoms is the owner of www.writersgalore.com. He is a long time member of the National Writer's Association and a member of the Wisconsin Regional Writers Association (WRWA). He has taught courses in HOW TO GET PUBLISHED, MAGAZINE WRITING, BASIC WRITING SKILLS, and EDITING. Since 1990 he has served as the editor of a monthly newspaper (circ. 48,000). He has also published a variety of articles in magazines and newspapers,

Author of the book, "The VFW: An Illustrated History of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States," Bill has long been interested in military history. He is a member of the Council on America's Military Past.

Bill understands the problems and frustrations of first time authors. " Bridging the ever-widening gap between new authors and editors and agents," Bill says, "is the reason Writers Galore was founded." The purpose of writersgalore is to assist the authors of books and magazine articles to connect with agents, editors and publishers who are in need of their work.