Although the words were still unspoken,
She sensed them in the air.
She felt her heart was being broken
And her soul was laying bare.

She had seen her sweetheart Bill
Driving past, with someone new.
A pretty blonde girl, dressed to kill
As fresh as morning dew.

She felt so used up and worthless,
She said,"I saw you out last night,
And now I must confess.
It was not a very pretty sight."

He turned his head away from her
And shut his eyes of blue.
"We no longer are together,
This is good-bye to you."

She felt the tears run from her eyes,
And knew the time was past.
At least he hadn't told her lies,
It was spoken now, at last.

"I never will forget you, Bill
And when all is said and done.
My heart is always with you still,
Even though I'm gone."

She left and with her love in ruins,
Yet others knew her kiss.
She wrote his name in the dunes
And knew just what she'd miss.

~ Swampetta (SWAMPETTA@aol.com)~

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Ain't Love Grand

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