Facilities Policy





  • No food or drinks allowed inside the lab at any time.

  • No offensive or pornographic materials should be viewed or printed.

  • No chatting using external programs such as Yahoo Paper!, AOL, Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, mlRC, or any other chat programs.

  • No use or installation of games on the computer system!

  • Do not download programs onto the hard drive.

  • Do not change any system configurations!

  • No destruction of property

  • Any large print jobs during busy hours may and will be deleted by the lab assistants.

  • Please keep your work area neat and clean, free of trash and excess printouts.

  • Keep your voices down because others are trying to do their work

  • Dispose of unwanted paper in the recycle bin.

                  Failure to follow the lab policies may result in disciplinary action

        If you have any questions or do not understand the rules and regulations, please ask

                                       the lab assistants for assistance


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Last updated 30 Nov 2001

© 2001 UL @ Lafayette Technical Writing Team 2

104 University Circle, P.O. Box 44691

Lafayette, LA 70504