Writing From My Soul
Within this homepage you will find projects that I am working on and upcoming releases that I may have.  I am a writer of many different genres as well as being an avid nature and weather photographer. 

Becoming a writer has been a lifelong dream of mine that is slowly but surely becoming a reality. The way I write is more unique than I have ever heard of.  I write when I am an emotionally wreck, that is when all my true feelings and expressions really come to life.  It's also great therapy for me.  Writing allows me to release pinned up feelings and to help others in their struggles like I am going through.  I want my writing to be a teaching tool, to help women and their families cope with tragedies that have struck them at one time in their lives or another.  That is my reason for writing, not fame or fortune, just to help make someone's day a little easier to deal with. 

The projects that I have in the works or completed are as follows:

*Life As Prey - Gives readers important information to successfully receive help after becoming victims of sexual abuse, no matter what the age.....It is Now Available through PublishAmerica.com, Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com and Borders.com and soon to be out in book stores.

*Listening....From The Soul, Intertwining The Depths Of My Soul With Yours - is filled with a variety of topics and emotional level poems, it also contains photos for each poem that I shot that symbolizes the feelings that I felt for during the production of each poem and is now being reviewed by PublishAmerica, Inc for possible publication. I will hear from them within 2-4 weeks. I will keep you posted on the if/when publication will begin.

*The Evil Within Delta - My first fiction novel based on a town that harbors the most horrifying secret ever and when it gets out, the wrath that the town has to pay for keeping quiet is like no other.  Still in progress, almost finished.

I am also working on a series of nonfiction novels that will be on traveling after 9/11 tragedies.  One is "When It's Finally Only the Two of You, Traveling to the Most Exotic, Romantic, Exciting Destinations Ever" and one is "Traveling with The Entire Family, Having the Time of Your Life with Your Loved Ones".  Which are in the works as we speak.

Thank you for visiting my homepage, I hope you return real soon.  Have a great day!
Breath Taking River View
My Favorite Links:
Publish America, Inc
Smith Driving Ent - Defensive Driving
Meet the Author
Cheryl L. Smith
Email: writingpro1@cs.com