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My TCG Cards

@}-- Colligo
@}--Trading Academy

Hiatus TCGs

@}-- Merriment
@}-- Welcome to Hogwarts
@}-- 5" x 7.5"
@}-- Chosen
@}-- Obliviate
@}-- Evanesco
@}-- Buckets



If you join, please say MoroiiAngel referred you!

Total Cards: 268
Card Count: 321

For Trades, I would like Polyjuice. To trade, email me!


Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3Worth 3

Random Wants

Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2

Might Trade

Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2

Up for Trading

Worth 2Worth 2Worth 2



x 44
x 22
x 10

Member Cards


Trade Log

Aug 01. Traded my tom12, thelwis05 and membercard for Kriz's moony02, portkey07 and membercard. Finished a stamp card. W00t.

July 29. On July 26 I recieved 2choiceregulars, cheating05, eweekly06, portkey14 and warning05 for donating images for my two sets, spiders and peterpettigrew. I also recieved knight01, daniel09 and moony14 for levelling up. Finally, on the 26th I recieved godson13, moony03, polyjuice04 &05 for mastering jealousy. Played games Today. I got brave02 and worldcup14 from astronomy, a knut, a sickle and yuleball15 from comc, a galleon and a knut and brave14 from charms, dragons08 from dada, moony15 from divination, a knut, two sickles, and consumed07 from herboloy, a sickle and a knut, gallery06 and portkey10 from hom, departure06 and a galleon from potions, dragons05 and hpootp13 from transfiguration, two sickles a knut and timeturner05, fairplay14, brave13, two knuts, moony02, portkey13, polyjuice11, knight13 a sickle and a knut from transportation.

July 23. I took consumed12, departure06, ferret02, knowledge04, parseltounge02, timeturner14, hppoa06, thelwis05, innocent10, skins13 and brave03 from update. Recieved captain09, fairplay13, jealousy08 and 09 for mastering fraternising. Traded my eweekly12 for Kristine's knight09. Took goodship01, 16 and prejoin03 from freeforall. Traded my knowledge04 and ferret02 for Kat's pumpkinpie17.

July 22. Took viktorious07 and scion14 from freeforall. Took fraternising09, polyjuice03 and jealousy01 from updates, and viktorious03 and 13 from freebies. Traded my flight08 for Misty's portkey04.

July 18. Traded my courtier04 for Babs' knight03. Traded my ralph03 for Avery's fairplay13.

July 14. Took seeker05 from update. Got captain15 and fairplay03 from freebies. Recieved fraternising03 & 04, knowitall08 and sister07 for mastering Godson. I traded my maze12 for Kelsey's underwater05, and my knight07(double) for Kat's knight14. Got goodship20, onechoiceregular, two knuts, a sickle and a galleon from ancient runes. Got jealousy02 and fairplay11 from astronomy, portkey05 and a knut and a sickle from comc, portkey09, a knut and a galleon from charms, fairplay02 from dada, portkey15 from divination, knight02, two sickles and a knut from herbology, and fairplay12 and dragons02 a knut and a sickle from hom.

July 10. Took fraternising12 and 13 from update.

July 09. Recieved godson03 for finishing the fist task in my apprentiship. Recieved godson05 &08, emma08 and knight07 for mastering awkward.

July 04. I recieved awkward08, 09, tom07 and irish04 for mastering champion. I took fairplay04, gofposters0102, portkey03, canadaday card, stan03 and robert05 from the updates. Got polyjuice15 and two knuts from comc, portkey06 a sickle and a knut from charms, fraternising02 from dada, fraternising06 and three knuts from herbology, portkey02 and a sickle from potions, a choice card from magical creatures, ollivanders13 two sickles and a knut from games&sports, godson11, goodship05, and one card of choice (fraternising15) and two sickles from mysteries. Took maze03, moony10, gallery01/07, knight08 and 12, dragons11, from freeforall. I also went through my card cound and realized i hadn't been counting my mastered sets.

July 01. I took polyjuice01 and 07 and godson04 from updates. Got Jealousy11 from honeydukes.

June 25. Traded my olivanders05 for arabella's jealousy14. Traded member cards with Ana. Recieved champion11, godson02, fraternising11 and warning03 for Mastering Keeper. Mastered Champion. Recieved underwater09, awkward05, and godson02 for levelling up. Took eweekly12, mischief08, polyjuice13, ralph03, stan08, the two celebration cards(1month & 50 members) and skins07 from update. Got worldcup02 from ancientrunes, polyjuice02 and a sickle from arithmancy, jealousy15 and godson12 from astronomy, underwater15 and two knuts from comc, jealousy06 a knut and a sickle from charms, mischeif06 from dada, yuleball10 from divination, mischief09 and three knuts from herbology, maze04, gallery11 a sickle and a knut from hom, maze08, tom05, a knut and a galleon from mugglestudies, polyjuice14 and a sickle from potions, jealousy13 from transfiguration.

June 22. Traded my knight08 for alannah's fraternising08.

June 20. Got Awkward01 and champion05 from updates. Got Cruel05 and hostile01 from freebies. Recieved courtier13, underwater11, fraternizing11, hpootp19 from lawenforcement, chosen15 and two knuts and a galleon from accidents, godson10 from internationalcoop, fraternising10, two knuts, sister08, godson13, moony04, hpootp18, keeper15, awkward02, fraternising01 and godson07, a sickle and aknut from Transportation. Mastered Keeper. Got jealousy10, two sickles and a knut from Games&sports, worldcup08 from the atrium, bonnie14, goodship10, and awkward06, and two sickles from the dept. of mysteries.

June 18. Traded my malevolent15 for Mez's champion02, and my hostlie10 for Abi's awkward10.

June 15. Recieved keeper12, hostile10 and malevolent15 for mastering Irish. Recieved moony06 and knight07 from Dept. Magical Creatures.

June 14. Traded membercards and my robert08 for Kelsey's worldcup03.

June 13. Traded membercards and my chosen05 for Bink's underwater02. Traded my sister05 for Layna's jealousy03.

June 12. Changed previous trade with Kat from my flight08 to my cruel03. Changed previous trade with Bluegin from my maze12 to yuleball05. I got chosen, fraternising, jealousy, ollivanders, sister, & yuleball 05, and the world cup card from updates. Got fraternizing07, worldcup11, a knut and a sickle from HOM, knight15, dragons09 and a galleon from mugglestudies, jealousy12 and a galleon from potions, jealousy07 and pumpkinpie15 from transfiguration. Got one choice regular(keeper13), two knuts and a galleon from Accidents and Catastrophies.

June 11. Recieved irish01, cruel03 and awkward14 for levelling up. MASTERED IRISH. Traded my pumpkinpie06 & membercard for Marie's hpootp08, awkward12 & membercard. Traded my cruel09 and maze12 and skins05 for Bluegin's awkward04, goodship04 and pumpkinpie01. Traded my flight08 for Kat's champion10. Traded my underwater04 for Arabella's champion08.

June 09. Took cruel09, maze12, worldcup01&04, skins01& 05 from updates. Recieved three knuts and keeper11 from herbology, underwater10 from divination, worldcup15 from dada, worldcup11 from charms, two knuts and bonnie15 from comc, godson12 and unerwater07 from astronomy, two sickles, awkward12, and pumpkinpie20 from ancientrunes.

June 07. Recieved butterfly14 and moony05 for participating in the blend contest. Traded my rowling12 for Bluegin's pumpkinpie06. Took keeper09 and awkward14 from updates.

June 03. Got inspiration08 and awkward07 from astronomy. Got champion09 from freeforall. Got Rowling12 from Dept. of Magical Creatures.

June 02. I've already typed up this update once and I really don't want to do it again. Here's the list of cards from today: keeper14, inspiration04, dragons12, gallery08, awkward03, awkward13, awkward11, awkward15, hpootp20, irish15, knowitall12, hpootp02, champion15, godson03, moony07, tom12, courtier04, godson09, knight08, scholar08, flight10, hpootp15, champion07, daniel14, underwater14, captain01, champion03, pumpkinpie07, viktorious12, keeper06, hpootp15. 5 knuts, 2 sickles, one galleon. Traded member cards with Bluegin, and my mentor04&06 cards for her pumpinpie14.

May 31. Took keeper04 from update.

May 30. Traded my warning13 and courtier09 for Kat's godson06 and champion13. Took Irish13 from update.

May 29. Big Update. I got malevolent01 from someone's mastering it. I got four normal cards (mentor06 & 04, warning13, flight08) and two special cards (goodship08, and pumpkinpie02) from the main update. I also got underwater04, and htootp03. Recieved godson15 for sending in my membercard. I got irish08, robert08 and malevolent04 for levelling up.

May 27. Took irish14 and keeper01 from update! Also, made myself a member card and got robert14 and godson01 from department of magical accidents.

May 19. Another update! Took courtier09, gallery02, scion05 and underwater03 from aforementioned update. Traded my captain12 for Andrea's irish10. Traded my godson14 and hostile08 for Bink's hpootp17. Traded my knight04 for Bluegin's irish03. Traded my moony14 for Avery's champion14. Traded my dragons12 for the trading pot's Irish06.

May 18. Recieved captain12 from Reg&controlofCreatures.

May 17. Recieved back join form of 13 cards. Hurrah! Got Moony14 for getting my cards up so fast. Then from the main page I got irish05 & 09, prejoin06 and two special celebrate cards! I also went to play the games, and got katie02 from astronomy, keeper08 from comc, champion06 from divination, knight05 from herbology, champion12 and keeper02 from mugglestudies, dragons07 from potions, keeper03 from transfiguration, irish11 from departmentofcoop, keeper05,irish04,bonnie07, champion01, htoop11 from deptmagicaltransport, butterfly08 from deptgames&sports, knight04,hpss13,and keeper07 from the dept.ofmysteries.

April 29. Sent in Join Form.

Layout by Yanagi for Radical Dreamers Designs