 Since: 5-22-02
 Pick Me!
http://www.pick-me.net (Feel free to visit the website, but my link won't be on there, yet. I've got to change links. I'm too busy right now with the site to try and get any traffic, sorry.)
Lil' Cay
 Guestbook: Sign/View

 Layout: PSP7

*Cay* Got- Clay Walker, AJ McLean, poetry, songs, baseball, basketball, cowboys, Nelly, Lil' Kim, Pop Music, Rap Music, RnB Music, 8 Seconds, Brian Littrell, the color yellow, Pink, websites, basketball, Ryan, video games, ice cream, Nick Carter, concerts, money, singing, dancing, talking, Howie Dorough, fan fiction, pictures, fun, vacations, Olive Juice, Leighanne Wallace Littrell, hair dye, the beach, Greensboro, Marietta Ga, Kevin Richardson, rodeos, capri pants, rappers, flares, Kristin Richardson Willits, anything tasty, strawberries...

 Not- Britney Spears, Shakira, Dreamstreet, Fatboy Slim, snobs, preps, people who think they are better than everyone else, false images, fake people, hoes.

Wanna know more? Check it out under Domain.

 Fan Fiction
 Domain (Coming soon)

 My mood: The current mood of lil_cay@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
 I am seeing: computer screen, fridge, PSP7
 I am sitting: at the table
 I just said: Aww, Justin.
 I just thought: How I should add the stories to the site.
 I am hearing: Nothing
 I am eating: Nothing but I am about to.
 I am wearing: Gray sweat pants and WRHS, Mens 3-A Championship shirt.
 I am doing: working on the site, listening to music, thinking about various things
 I am listening: Nothing
 I am feeling: HOT!
 Why: I don't have that much on my mind.
Obsession right now: Brian Littrell
 I am thinking: about Todd.
 I am talking to: Ryan and Justin

Me: Yeah, I know J. I'm sorry I really am. Just don't let others stupidity get you upset.
Justin: I know but its too late
Me: Well J, I don't know what else to tell you.
Justin: It's ok.

Ryan: Goodnight Cay!
Me: Going to sleep so soon?
Ryan: Well some of us DO have school tomorrow.
Me: Oh yeah! Duh Cayla. Sorry... I forgot.
Ryan: LOL Night Cay.
Me: Night babe

 What's on my desktop:


Nelly- Thicky Thick Girl
Nelly- Wrap Sumden
BSB- Get Another Boyfriend
BSB- More Than That
Clay Walker- A Cowboy's Toughest Ride
Clay Walker- Hypnotize The Moon
Clay Walker- This Woman and This Man
Nickleback- Too Bad
STL- Boughetto
Pink- Don't Let Me Get Me
Faith Evans- You Gets No Love
Kandi- I Won't Bite My Tongue
Brandy- Almost Doesn't Count


Telling Me How Te Run This Site
Talk negative

None yet! Want to know more about how you can get hosted? Click here.      


Do you have a story written and no website or anyone that will host it? I WILL! Email Cay to see if you are required to be hosted on this site.

(Keep in mind the site is just now opened and I haven't had all the time required to get everything up and running. Check back with us for updates though!)





These are the people I love! Check out their sites, too!

Nsync 101 - Ryan's site. (My fave Bro!)

Nsync In My Bed - Another one of Ryan's sites along with his friend Jess! I haven't got the chance to talk to her yet, but she seems fun. I love this site, even though it is the opposite of my fave group.

Satr Band - Yes, yet another one of Ryan's sites. Hey, what can I say? I love em! Hehe! (This one is on hiatus, so check back soon.)


Upload me and link!

Thank You!

All material on this site © 2002 by Cay! Don't steal anything! It took forever for me to complete the work on this site


June 3, 2002
Ah, I'm about to get
hosted! Sorry, I had to do it.  Hol and I are talking again and it's cool... I'm getting hosted... hopefully. LOL, if her servers and shit wanna work with her. Sorry, I haven't updated much, I had to type up one of Hol's stories for her and edit some things on it. Well, I think I am going to type up some of a story that I have written on paper right now, so look for it. I don't know what I am going to call it yet... but it's gonna be a good story. Possibly a tear jerker, who knows how it could turn out? I like to change things at the last moment, so I don't know. Check back, soon for updates!

June 2, 2002

Yes, can you believe it? In the same day and I'm updating twice! Ah, I'm on a roll. Right now I am adding all the Fan Listing's that I have joined and other things that I am a part of. Don't forget to sign the guestbook and check out my PARTNA'S IN CRIME SITES! Also, become part of the fan listings.

      Cay was happy
@ 5:07 pm on 6/2/02

June 2, 2002

Ah, I'm back with a new layout and finally a guestbook! Yay! I'm not going to write much because I am in the process of putting up some stories. I've got one finished, but it's going to be episodes, so the stories won't stop until I'm not interested in writing episodes anymore. =-) Well, PLEASE sign the guestbook, and thanks for stopping by!

    Cay wanted to sleep @ 2:22 am on 6/2/02

MASH is back! C' mon you know you wanna be young again. Click it, have fun!

Oh Thank God! I'm glad me and the boys think on the same level!

Yay! I got Unique! I'm glad I'm able to be different.

Ah, I am just having some good luck tonight! Tom is so sexy, Mmmhmm, I'm glad I got em!

May 29, 2002

Hey I'm back from camping! I had fun. Caught some fish, went out on my kayak, slept in a hammock, swam. I had some fun, yo! I am thinking about making a new layout for the site, so stay on top for that. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I don't know anymore. I really do think I am losing myself. But, whatever it's cool. Well, I guess that's about it.

           Cay Loved Todd @ 1:47 am on 5/29/02


May 24, 2002

Hey again! Yeah, I've actually made it to update a little. Only because I can't sleep. It's only been 4 and a half hours since I last updated. I'm looking for some hostees. Just some websites that I can add on here that aren't requesting anything except some wonderful friendships, great sites and a close bonding family! If you are looking for a host or anyone that is, send them a link to me or my email. I'd appreciate it. I'm looking for any kind of website... right now I am debating on whether or not to host a website of Ja Rule. It's a great site, so I think I will, but I don't know yet. I just want the people that I host to have some what good graphics. Anyways, I hope to add some things before the early light comes. I'm tired right now, but I'm trying to update and fix as much as I can before I leave for the next 5 days. I should update again, either Tuesday or Wednesday. Well, I'm going to get on out of here. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!

           Cay Loved Todd @ 3:14 am on 5-24-02


May 23, 2002

Hey there! Finally, I have gotten the site where I am in love with it! It's taken forever to get things straightened out, but hey it's worth it. Things are going to be updated a lot more than they have been over the past few months. But I think I am doing pretty good with the site when I only opened it up fully last night. Don't you agree? Don't be disappointed, but I don't think I will be able to update for a few days because I am going out of town and camping for a few days. It's going to be fun, I think. I'll have the lap top (hopefully) with me so I can update on Front Page. But if not, then it looks like I've gotta work my ass off next week to catch back up on updates. Well, gotta get going!

          Cay Loved Todd @ 10:30 pm on 5-23-02
Which Nick's side are you?;
Ah, Nick's sexy side? I would like to think so!