Title: Legends We Make
By: Ally Sheiado
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All characters from Elektra and Sky High do not belong to me. However, Evelyen is MINE! .
Feedback: charmedoracle@hotmail.com




Chapter Seven: Awakenings

Heightened awareness hit her senses, albeit groggily and more sluggish than normal as she came to. Sharp pain coursed and rippled in heavy waves across her limbs and torso, eliciting an audible groan of protest to escape her dry lips. She felt like she had just been struck by an oncoming freight train. That, or several of them…

“She’s waking up,” A singsong voice whispered.

She felt a presence linger and hover itself above her… what had happened?

Blinding light seared and knifed into her eyes, blurring the face of what appeared to be an old woman with kind, gentle features. She peered down at her observantly, eyebrows knitted and creased together in worry.

“I feel like I’ve just been whacked with a baseball bat,” Evelyn groaned bitterly, her voice hoarse and cracked.

“Hmm. That is a normal sign then, Deary,” the woman assured, her voice soft and lilting. “Can you sit up?”

Nodding, Evelyn groaned and made the attempt, her muscles aching and burning with blatant protest. When she managed to sit herself up half way in the bed, the nurse handed her a cup of chilled ice water, a soft smile spreading across her lips.

“You looked mighty dehydrated, My Dear,” she explained.


She drank down the contents slowly, allowing her body to heal and hydrate itself with the effects. Admittedly, she felt slightly better after that.

A voice suddenly broke the abrupt silence of the room, drawing Evelyn’s attention… “Do you remember anything, Ms. Elektra?”

Principal Powers.


Evelyn handed the cup back over to nurse Spex in silence, replying rather curtly, “I remember very little.”

Her eyes gazed over to her bedside.

Much to her surprise and lament, there sat Boomer, Principal Powers, and… Warren Peace…?

She raised a questioning eyebrow at his presence.

Seeming to understand the gesture, Principal Powers answered, “Mr. Peace here helped carry you to the nurse’s office after your rather impressive performance in the gymnasium today.”

“Ah.” Her expression remained indifferent and stoic. Inwardly, however, she was gratefully impressed… if not, a little embarrassed. Few students would have done such a selfless favor, especially for her sake, of all people…

“So, Kid,” Boomer began impatiently, “What do you last remember?”

She shrugged and merely answered in a bored tone, “heat, visions, and nothing else more.”

That’s it…!”

Raising an eyebrow almost mockingly, Evelyn replied in a condescending tone, “My mind went blank after having the air crushed out of me. Most minds tend to block out things when they’ve run out of oxygen.”

Boomer’s eyes narrowed. “Hey,” he growled, “Don’t start getting cute with me, Kid.”

“I wasn’t trying to, Sir.”

Principal Powers frowned disdainfully. “Boomer,” She scolded firmly, “Allow me to ask the questions. Please?”

Boomer nodded quietly, his eyes still narrowed and glaring daggers over at Evelyn. Warren smirked despite himself. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Now,” She began, directing her attention back to the ailing student before her, “What are these visions you had?”

“Mostly voices, the images were too vague to decipher. My Sensei was the main one that I kept hearing.”

Principal Powers nodded, assessing the information. “I see. Boomer just spoke to him over the phone. He said this was to be expected.”

Unfazed, a murmur of “figures”, escaped her lips.

“I realize this is a rather awkward and informal situation to be in, Ms. Elektra. But, your enrollment into this school was made with prior expectation and agreement between your teacher and I. I am merely abiding by his wishes alone since you are a very rare and special case.”

“With all due respect then, Mrs. Powers,” Evelyn addressed formally, her tone indifferent, “My Sensei does not know me as well as he thinks he does. I don’t belong here. “My case”, as you so eloquently put it, only then proves my point.”

Principal Powers frowned in visible disappointment. “I'm sorry that you think that way, Evelyn. However, if today’s incident wasn’t proof enough that you need valued education and training with your abilities, then I don’t know by what other means we are to use in order to persuade you otherwise.”

Evelyn’s expression remained stoic, lacking and void of any emotion. Her tone was flat and her words, straight to the point. “You can start by telling me the truth as to what pre-eminent warning my teacher has given you. The “expectations”, if you will, that he has disclosed. I might just listen.”

Boomer raised an eyebrow at the girl’s forthrightness while Warren, shocked to say the least, gazed at her in silence and with a look almost akin to respect. Nobody had ever done Principal Powers in with a comeback of realistic wit. No student at Sky High, anyway.

Her words left a profound impression on the disciplinarian and, despite herself, a smile that blatantly spoke, “touché”, appeared across her lips.

“Fair enough,” She replied, “Unfortunately, I was informed to be discreet and not to reveal such information. It is under your Sensei’s wishes, of course.”

“I’m afraid that we are at an impasse then.”

“However,” Powers persisted, “I have preference to you learning through experience and through your peers. That is where him and I are in agreement… I expect, as he does, for you to continue doing so. You and your new partner here are to be paired for the rest of the year. Within that time, I hope and expect for you to reach a more positive outlook.”

Evelyn’s eyes met Warren’s and she scowled visibly, her objection blatantly showing itself across her face. “I don’t need a partner. I’m fine on my own.”

“I’m afraid you have little choice in the matter.”

Silence met her reply. A very heated silence. Coach Boomer shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

Unfazed by the girl’s deadly calm silence, Principal Powers continued, “Now, since you appear to be in better condition, Ms. Elektra, I think its time you and Mr. Peace here headed back to classes.”

Her jaw twitched and her posture remained rigid, anger radiated from her form in waves. To Coach Boomer, her self control and silence was astounding… if, even at best, frightening.

She stepped out of the bed soundlessly, her footfalls soft as she walked out of the door and into the halls with muted stillness, not even sparing a glance behind her.

“Mr. Peace,” Principal Powers called back.

Warren stopped midway to the door, his gaze turning to look over his shoulder impassively.

“I expect you to watch and observe her very carefully.”

Not even making a response, the boy grunted halfway out the door. ‘Great, I’m a fucking babysitter…’


Coach Boomer gazed at Principal Powers in amazement. “There’s no doubt as to who that girl’s mother is.”

“Yes,” she agreed, a heavy sigh escaping her lips, “And that is what I’m afraid of.”

“Elektra…? Shouldn’t it be likeness to the father you ought to be worried about?”

“No. She’s just as closed off from the world as her mother had chosen to be. Something’s gotta change in that family, Boomer, and I’m gonna try my damnedest to make certain of it, starting with her…”

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