
	The gasoline smells like roses tonight.  It seethes through my nostrils
and I tingle with pleasure.  It is the ultimate perfume -- my arousal is
immediate and intense.  A shiver runs electrically up my spine like lightning
through a cloud as I splash more of the sweet liquid on the small house.
	A smile creeps across my lips as I move towards the back and douse the
walls with more perfume.  The air is still now, but soon it will be abuzz
with the sweet sound of the pyre whispering my name as it crackles, feeds,
and grows.
	I place the can beside the back door and kneel before the small home.  I
close my eyes, and murmur words of prayer to my savior -- the holy white fire
in all its glory.  I feel so alive -- every cell, every nerve is tingling with
anticipation of tonight's mass.
	I open my eyes, breathe deeply of my own special incense, and reach into
my jacket pocket for my matches.  They are wooden, waterproof, and perfect
for what I love to do.  Burn.  To see the world in flames, as I laugh and
laugh and laugh...
	The time has come.  I reach down, and then strike the match on the
concrete steps.  It hisses, and springs to life.  I watch the flame dance for
a few seconds, and then I let it feed.
	The second I touch the wall, the fire roars upward and quickly spreads to
the rest of the house.  I hear it whispering my name as it crawls up the
siding, and begins to feast on the gasoline.
	I stand and walk quickly to the backyard, past a small birdbath, and a
gas barbecue.  Nice touch, don't you think?
	I don't think this family will spend any more hot summer days firing up
the old Thermos.  Tsk.  Tsk.  Now they know what the burgers felt like.
	I watch the fire spread, and smile as it hisses, roars, and crackles. 
The smell is like fresh steak frying on the grill.  Time for a barbecue. 
Anybody for my special sauce?
	Heh.  Heh.

	Smoke curls out the windows after about ten minutes, and I watch it swirl
upward into the air in a wispy ballet.  My erection is almost painful know. 
My heart is hammering a speedmetal backbeat in my chest, and my synapses are
crackling with electricity.  My night is almost complete.
	My stomach plummets to my shoes as I hear the squeal of approaching
sirens.  I run swiftly down an alleyway and turn left towards home.  I run
through the night -- the wind whipping through my hair, and the sweet sweet
smell of the pyre gracing my nostrils.
	At home, I remove my clothing and crawl beneath the sheets.  The flames
dance before my eyes, and the roar and crackle rings through my ears once
again.  My hand slides down to my erection as I watch the fire sway before
me.  I see a beautiful naked woman slithering to the night's rhythm.   Her
eyes are twin flames, and her fingers are wooden matches flickering with
	I wrap my hand around my dick and begin to stroke it as she dances faster
and faster.  The pressure builds as the flames dance before my eyes.  She
smiles, and her mouth opens to reveal teeth of burning wood and tongue of
crackling fire.
	I cry out as she begins to whisper my name.  I am kissed, and I come into
my hand.  I drift off to sleep, and dream of her swaying to the fire's
mystical rhythm and her tongue of flame.

	My fingers tingle as the flames flicker over my hands.  It crawls slowly
down my body, leaving a white-hot kiss trail in its wake.  The afterburn
creeps into my bones, and my body shakes with anticipation.  My skin begins
to sizzle and crackle like frying bacon as the heat intensifies.  The scent
of burning flesh permeates my nostrils and I inhale deeply.  I feel my hair
singe and begin to curl to nothingness.  My eyebrows burn to a blackened
crisp, and my eyelashes melt into my eyelids.  My ears ring with the hiss
and pop of my scalp frying and my brains begin to boil in a cranial stew. 
My body is nothing but a pile of dull grey ashes and a few fragments of
china white bone laid in a heap upon my bed.
	I float above what is left of my bodily confines and watch as the flames
gulp oxygen hungrily and spread to the bedframe.  With a roar, it catches,
and the air fills with the campfire scent of burning wood.  The bed begins
to shiver and quake as the water within the mattress reaches the boiling
point.  The tremors increase in intensity, and the mattress bursts in an
orgasmic rush -- spewing water over the flames as they hiss contempt.
	The flames spread to the floor, and the pyre rises to the ceiling.  The
fire begins to twist and turn in a cyclonic shape -- funneling into a tower
of flickering oranges, reds, and whites.  An arm appears out of the tower,
and then another.  The fire spins more furiously, and a leg slowly flows out
of the bottom.  Faster still it turns, and another leg appears.  With a
roar, the fire flashes white for a millisecond, and then the spinning slows. 
The tempo decreases further, and then the pyre begins to fade to black.  In
a few seconds, it has disappeared.
	The Fire Woman, in all her radiant glory, is before me.
	I float over to her cataclysmic heat, and the sudden furnace blast turns
my thoughts to a blur.  My soul bakes in her heavenly warmth, and a firesmile
spreads across her lips with a soft hiss like trash blowing through a silent
city street.  I murmur words of love to this wondrous creature, and they become
a prayer.  For her, I would give my life without a second thought.  My soul
without an opposing word.  I am hers -- now and forever.

	My eyes fly open as the dream ends, and reality flows back through my
mind as a tide.  I look at my hands, and find not ashes, but flesh and bone. 
I run my fingers through my hair, stroke my eyebrows, and breathe a deep
sigh of relief.  Sweat trickles down my forehead, and runs down my nose. 
For a moment, I hear a soft sizzle as it touches the skin of my chin, then
the illusion ends.  My head is spinning with the images of my dream, and for
a second I see a flame flickering slowly before my eyes.  It fades to a dull
orange and then disappears...
