
  	James Collier was a thoroughly unhappy child.  He found no pleasure in
the everyday grind his life had become -- a seemingly endless treadmill of
school, homework, and tiresome household chores.  The few friends he did
have seemed to have forgotten he existed, the phone beside his bed in a
continuous state of silence.  James would find himself daydreaming of a
chance to experience life, to finally get a chance to actually live.
	He dreamed of being a fugitive from the law... wanted for crimes
committed in the heat of passion.  Not rape, for he had far too much respect
for women.  Something like killing another man for hurting his girlfriend,
possibly even his child.  
	James smiled as he imagined kicking the assailant in the balls, pounding
his face into a bloody pulp.  Ripping his body to shreds... until the man
resembled a quivering mass of ground beef.
	James would do almost anything in the name of justice... anything in the
name of love.

	His father would be home soon... the alcohol wafting off of him like
some sort of sickening cologne.  His face red with anger, his dear old dad
would beat him into submission once again... as he had a hundred times
	James pulled the covers over his head as he heard his father fumbling
with the lock downstairs.  His heart quickened as his father's heavy,
plodding steps became louder and louder.
	The door squeaked as the doorknob turned, and his dad's face peered into
Jimmy's room.

	"Jimmy... Do you know what happens now?" his father growled.	
	The pain was intense as dear old dad's penis plunged into Jimmy's
asshole.  Every time James cried out in pain, Jimmy was slapped violently
across the cheek.  This time, his nose began to bleed as his father's hand
	Tears ran down Jimmy's face as his dad continued to violate him, his
thighs slapping against his buttocks.  As Jimmy felt his father's sperm fill
his rectum, he cried not tears of pain -- but tears of rage; intense,
unstoppable rage.