Me, Myself, and I


The place to find all the information about that you'll never need. My interests, tastes, and a sample of what my life was like can be found here.

General Information

Name, Age & Location - I'm Dave. I'm 26 years old and I live in the Cleveland area. For those wondering, yes, I love it here.

School/Work - I will be heading back to Tri-C in the future hopefully to pursue my goal of professional writing. I work for CVS/pharmacy, where I've been for over nine years now.

Personal Stats - I'm around 5'9" with bluish-greenish eyes that vary depending on what I'm wearing. I wear loose-fitting clothes for the most part that reflect my favorite colors of green, blue, and black. I'm very casual and season-based. In the winter, I wear a lot of long-sleeves while I wear mostly t-shirts in the summer.

Dating Status - Taken. Thanks for asking.

Hobbies - I like watching and playing sports, I play video games from time to time, I listen to music, I watch a little television, I work on the computer, I like to go out with my friends, I like to bowl albeit badly, and whatever else comes along.

Favorite Sport(s) - I love baseball, football, basketball (college and pro on the last two), and even a little hockey at times. I play baseball, football, and basketball when I have the chance. Being small didn't allow me to play organized sports. Hey, if I'm going to get killed, I'd at least like to wait a little while longer.

Favorite Video Games - My current favorites are Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Halo 2, Halo, Burnout: Revenge, and Farcry. I love all Mario games, and I love Metroid, but my all-time favorite games are in the Legend of Zelda series. All are classics.

Favorite Music & Artists - I listen to rap and I like too many to list them all, but my favorites are The Roots, Dr. Dre, Scarface, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Nas, Jay-Z, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, and Outkast just to name a few. I own over a 100 CD's, so it might take a while if I list my favorites. I will listen to other kinds of music too. Don't think I hate on the rest of the music industry!

Favorite Television Shows - I love Mystery Science Theater 3000, even though it's no longer airing on tv, I enjoy watching baseball games and many other sports games, and South Park is my new crack.

Computer Fun - I like to check out other sites and see what's working for them and I get a lot of information online. Of course, I build my web site as well.

Car - I drive a 2000 Ford Escort ZX2. I've had it since June, 2000 and it's done very well for me. I'm looking to get a new car next year if at all possible.

Anything Else? - If there's something else you'd like to know, just send me an e-mail to

The past, present, and future goals

The series of columns that originated in Come Again? can be found here as I chronicle my past experiences. Don't be surprised to find revisions to the original columns as I adjust things. Just follow the links to the page you want to check out first.

Part 1 - The past
Part 1 - The past (cont.)
Part 1 - How the past shaped me
Part 2 - The present
Part3 - The future

Dave's World Commentary The Escape Pod My Life Special Features The Sports Report

©1997-2007 David T. Kreal