Bet you didn't know that Piglet was an archaeologist, too!
Then again one of the requisites of being an archaeologist is that you like to roll around in the dirt!

A Selection of

Dan Weiskotten's Favorite Words and Favorite Quotes!

and one of my "scariest images from childhood"
(nope, not flying monkeys)

 Last Modified November 8, 2003

"If you can't be a Good Example ... be an Awful Warning"

Favorite Words:

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis! (it is a pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust).

            it goes on and on, limited only by your cruel imagination!

moribund  (at the point of death, fading, dying, slowly sliding out of existence, fatality imminent) (not really to be confused with premortem and perimortem)

Gooslum  This is a word my grandmother used to call us, affectionately, when we were being little rascals.  Despite the context in which it was used we always thought it equivalent to be a not-so-flattering booger.  I guess we wer right in our understanding of the word as a slang dictionary I found gave it as a synonym for goo, slimy, gook, gummy, and goopy.  Stephen King used it to describe one of his other-worldy creatures in one of his books I read a long time ago (sorry, don't know which one).

Favorite Quotes:

A "savage" Indian described by a "civilized" Frenchman, 1658:

William Moss, regarding the excavation of lead coffins at Cathedral Cemetery of Exeter, Devon, England: Lardner Vanuxem, early New York State Geologist: James Fenimore Cooper, 1823, preface to The Pioneers: Margaret Sanger, pioneer in birth control, passing on a favorite quote of her father (Michael Higgins, a Corning, NY tombstone carver): Doug Ubelaker on a forensic case: Jack McLaughlin on the Monticello of yesterday and today: Twain's flying esophagus:
It was a crisp and spicy morning in early October.  The lilacs and laburnums, lit with the glory-fires of autumn, hung burning and flashing in the upper air, a fairy bridge provided by kind Nature for the wingless wild things that have their homes in the tree-tops and would visit together; the larch and the pomegranate flung their purple and yellow flames in brilliant broad splashes along the slanting sweep of the woodland; the sensuous fragrance of innumerable deciduous flowers rose upon the swooning atmosphere; far in the empty sky a solitary esophagus slept upon motionless wing; everywhere brooded stillness, serenity, and the peace of God.
(Mark Twain [Samuel Clements] A Double-Barreled Detective Story, 1902)
and one of my "scariest images from childhood"

We are all affraid of the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, but here is one other that still has me freaking every time I see it - and I have it hanging on my office wall.  This image, the scariest image of my childhood, is from the Twilight Zone, and was captured from the TV screen by my photographer-brother, Tom Weiskotten.  I have a feeling Tom was as frightened by this as I was and still am, but he would never admit it (why else would he go to the trouble to photograph it directly from the TV back when the show was in it first re-runs).  I have no idea of the context except that it still remains a nightmare to me!

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