ABN: 94 925 224 097

*Horses Don't Care How Much You Know, Until They Know How Much You Care*

~Welcome to Wunderbar QH Stud~

Wunderbar QH Stud is a small stud located in Alton Downs via Rockhampton, Central Queensland. We are still building as a stud and looking into ways of making it shine. We currently moved to a new property and are still working on it to bring it up to the standards we want to make it a better and more comfortable place for our horses.

Here at Wunderbar, we handle all our horses using Natural Horsemanship. We follow the Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship Program  and have just started the foundation program with all of our horses. If you would like to know more about QS Natural Horsemanship then please visit www.quantumsavvy.com.au

This Website will be updated regularly so feel free to check back anytime to look up on our horses progress.


If you are interested in Advertising on our website please send your information and pictures to us at Wunderbar. Go to Contact Us for details.


We are back from the QSSC (Quantum Savvy Study Centre) and wow was it fantastic. Not only did we learn a lot about Natural Horsemanship, we also learnt much about ourselves and the importance of our relationship with our horses. Some of the many ingredients we learnt to being great leaders for our horses included clear and present focus, the use of polite and effective phases, being conscious of our frustration or anger and remembering that the negative actions and reactions of our horses are natural survival instincts (also known as opposition reflex) and shouldn't be seen as spiteful and "unacceptable" (punishable) behaviour.

Like computers, horses will only do what you tell them, which may not always be what you want them to do. Unlike computers however, a horse will only do what you ask if they trust and respect you. Horses will not trust you with their life until they see you as the leader of the herd (the alpha). As the alpha horse, you are responsible for the lives of the horses in the herd, so you need to prove you're a brave and trustworthy leader. When your horse knows you are worthy of being alpha, they will do anything you ask of them without question.

Banjo and I completed the ground skills with flying colours while Ronnie (the instructor) helped improve some finer points of my techniques. 

Ronnie noted that an issue with Banjo, which had earlier been thought of as lack of respect and trust, was instead a painful problem with his muscles behind his shoulders, which caused him to buck while being ridden with a saddle. She explained that Banjo would only flex his neck and not right through to his shoulders, meaning he was braced which is what was causing him pain in those muscles whilst being ridden.

Ronnie educated me in ways to help this problem and help Banjo to unbrace himself. I thank you Ronnie and am so very grateful. I would never have uncovered this problem if it wasn't for you.



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