1st Chamber: Newz

2nd chamber: Wu Mem 3rd chamber: Albums
4th chamber: Picturez

5th chamber: Wu Family

6th chamber: Linx

This site is under Construction

Please check back soon for updates to the site

As the completion of my site dawns the new Killa Beez album is released so in honor of the new album I have decided to give my website a Killa Beez theme. Welcome to Wu Web: Killa Beez

Welcome to Wu Web! This site features shitloads of info on the wu and some great pics so all you wu fans can chill, sit back and experience the ways of the wu.

This site will be regularly updated so please come back to see what new stuff I have to offer you.

If you have any comments or suggestions then please email me from the link below.

The site is nearly finished, I just have 7 more bios to do and then I can concentrate on the new releases and discography. I might also alter the style of the site a bit, if you have any suggestions then email me. Thanx for sticking with me. Peace


This site is a fan site of the Wu-Tang Clan and is unofficial. Peace to da wu.

This site was produced by Jimmy Wheeler