The Right Shelter

A pup needs to sleep often and have a quiet corner with his own blanket-lined “nest box” that is off-limits to all but the pup. Instruct children how to handle a pup gently and respect the pup’s privacy.

Keep cupboards closed, and hide household chemicals, needles, and other items that might be swallowed that could jeopardize your pet’s life. Be especially careful during holidays.

Don’t keep a young pup outdoors. If you plan to house the pup eventually in a kennel or run outside, be sure that the kennel is well-insulated and the enclosure secure so the pup can’t dig or jump out. Is there shade for the summer and a good wind-break for the winter? In very cold weather, a heater lamp may be needed with a safety thermostat, and be cautious with this. Have your pup wear a collar and identity tag, in case he slips away and gets lost.