12th to 30th July 1944

Between July 12th and 15th, the Battalion moved to the Seves River, where a defensive line was set up behind the hedgerows overlooking the river and field.

From July 15th to the 19th , the Battalion went into reserve in the town of Gorges, where they received replacements. They got hot showers, new clothes and hot food.

On July 18th, the 358th Infantry was given the job of making the first crossing of the Seves River near St. Germain-sur-Seves. On the military maps, the area looked like an island because it was high ground surrounded by a swampy area. The battle for the "Seves River Island" turned out to be a very costly battle for the already beaten 385th.


  On July 19th, they relieved the 359 th Infantry 3rd Battalion along the Seves River, between Nay and Seves. This river line was held for 4 days in the face of very heavy artillery and motor shelling. Four days later, on July 22nd, the battle of Seves "Island" began. The 357th, 358th, and 359 th Infantry were up against the 6th German Paratroop Regiment, who were stationed in the farmhouses along the meadowlands. The American troops advanced through a hedgerow and had no cover or protection. The attack began at 6:30 AM as heavy German machine-gun and artillery fire pinned the Americans down. It was not until nightfall that most of the Americans were across the Seves River. There were heavy casualties on both sides.

On July 23rd, Eddie’s 3rd Battalion moved back into a reserve area, near Gonfreville, where they
received frequent long range shelling from the Germans. Eddie was fortunate to be away from the Seves River, as the Germans made several counterattacks that day. At 9:30 AM, the Germans broke through the American lines into the Command Post area. The Americans were so tired and badly beaten that 11 officers and 254 soldiers surrendered to the 50 German soldiers.

On July 25th, the 3rd Battalion again moved back in defense of the Seves River area, as the other two Regiments attempted to encircle the "island".

On July 26th, they discovered that the Germans had evacuated the area, leaving behind a maze of mines and booby traps. Eddie’s Battalion moved across the Seves "Island", through Les Milleries, across the Taute River and down to an assembly area near Cathelmais. It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie and USO show.

1 August 1944