Used Machinery Market/Gebrauchtmaschinen Markt

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18.WWBO Materials handling technology/ Fördertechnik

Offers to sell / Angebote

We manufacture Compressors, Condensors, Evaporators, Pipes & Hoses as part of Air Conditioning systems suppied by us.Sanden Vikas India Ltd; is amongst the largest makers of Automotive Airconditioners, Radiators & Catalytic Convertors. The products are supplied to OEM customers - GMIndia, Honda, Maruti-Suzuki, FIAT etc;
Contact: Sanden Vikas India Ltd

Förderband zu verkaufen ,ein Gummistollenförderband mit
abnehmbaren Zinken,Fahrgestell,12m lang ,40cm breit,380V,je 2 Gänge vor und
rückwärts , Motor neu gewickelt ,Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft ,1000 DM
Kontakt: Email:

We are the largest enterprise in China in the production and export of forklift trucks. we have been producing forklift trucks for more than 35 years. Since 1986, we have been continuously importing the most advanced manufacture technology from TCM Japan. We have been certified with ISO9001 and CE.
comments=Now we have been able to produce different kinds of forklift trucks ranging from 1 to 10 ton:
l Gasoline / LPG, Alpha series from 1 to 3 ton
l Diesel, Alpha series from 1 to 3 ton and s -series from 5 to 10 ton
l Electric, Current model is from 1 to 3 ton
The Current model is Alpha series, the counter-weight of which is in a round shape.
The new model of H2000 series will be supplied to customer in the third quarter of 2000,
also with 4 ton and 4.5 ton diesel forklifts.
Contact: Mr. Hu Wenhong
Anhui Heli Machinery Import & Export Co.,Ltd
15 Wangjiang West Road , Hefei , 230033 Anhui
phone/fax 0086-551-3633431 , email=

2,0, 1992, intraplast,
Tel.+49(0)5232/9600-0, Fax.+49(0)5232/9600-96, Nr. 1900/3276

6,2 m, mit Alu-Bordwänden, MAN, 1981, DM 7.000,
Holt Baler, Tel.+49(0)9736/205, Nr. 1900/3312

6,2 m, Kofferaufbau, mit Alu-Bordwänden, MAN, 1989,
DM 15.000, Holt Baler, Tel.+49(0)9736/205, Nr. 1900/3313

man-carrying platform for truck
auf DAF mit Kunststoffkorb, 13m Arbeitshöhe,1993, DM 39.750,
Robert Böcker GmbH, Tel.+49(0)2389-6005, Fax.+49(0)2389-535245,
Nr. 1900/3168

working platform for truck
auf MB 814 mit Werkzeugenkasten und Steckdosen im Korb,
27 m Arbeitsh., Böcker, 1993, 95.000 DM,
Robert Böcker GmbH,
Tel.+49(0)2389-6005, Fax.+49(0)2389-535245, Nr. 1900/3152

aerial working platform, truck-mounted
GSR 18.200 T, 1997, Arbeitsh. 18 m, aufgebaut auf Mercedes Benz
Sprinter 308D, 3,5 t, DM 122.000 zzgl. MwSt mit TÜV/UVV-Abnahme,
Gustav Bertram GmbH,
Tel.+49(0)511/67483-O, Fax.+49(0)511/67483-49, Nr. 1900/3247

18.WWBO Materials handling technology/ Fördertechnik
Offers to buy / Anfragen

Wir suchen ein kleines Winkel oder Knickförderband mit Stollen für
Brennholz beförderung schräge 2,5-3m waagerechte bis 2m
gebraucht.Kontakt: Tel.08121/6693 , E-mail

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