of State College, Pennsylvania

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To offer those who are new to our area or long term residents the opportunity to actively participate in Women's Welcome Club activities that promote civic, social, and humanitarian aspects of this community.

The pineapple which represents hospitality and friendship is the Women's Welcome Club symbol. This club provides an opportunity to expand your circle of friends and become involved in community activities.  The membership fee is minimal.

We welcome newcomers and invite long-time residents of State College and the surrounding area to join us, make new friends, and share common interests.

Interest groups and activities

We sponsor many activities throughout the year, including general meetings, welcoming coffees, and socials. We have many interest groups, including Ladies' Night Out, Book Discussion, Scrapbooking, Bridge, and many others. A more complete list can be found in the interest groups section of this website. If you do not find one of interest,  you may want to suggest or form a new interest group.

Some activities may include children. We have a Moms and Tots group, and there is a social group that plans outings especially designed for kids. Our general meetings feature a variety of programs of interest to our members. More information can be found in the general meetings section of this website.

The welcome mat

 The Welcome Mat is our monthly newsletter.  It will keep you up to date on club events and activities. As a prospective member, you may obtain a complimentary subscription (three monthly issues) by sending a note to our membership chair (see below).

Morning coffees

Morning coffees are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month. This is another wonderful way to get acquainted with other residents. Please feel free to bring your children (there will be others there!) and a new neighbor, if you wish.

During September through May, the coffees are held at the Oakwood Presbyterian Church on Waddle Road in State College (no affiliation), from 10:00 to 11:30 am. You may get a directional map. In the summer months the coffees are sometimes held at area parks.

Contact Information

  • Newsletter/Membership, contact Mary Jane: wwcmembership@gmail.com, (814) 238-1917
  • Morning coffees, contact Jane: jajw55@aol.com, (814) 234-7041
         Webmaster:   cad6@psu.edu

about us | interest groups | general meetings |