<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wwefan93/hardys.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Rock
Matt Hardy
Hey all, this is Chris, i am a total wrestling fanatic, so me and my friend got together and are making a website ^_^ well we just started and there is much more to come!!! Enjoy! this site just got online, so please dont be mean, soon it will be a good site. but until then keep coming...
© 2002-2003 all pics and info come from the WWE, but you are free to copy it.
Producer:Eric M.
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Me and my webmaster (Eric) have been working endless hours to bring you info and pics about the WWE and we hope you enjoy it, :o) oh and we are thinking of getting Wrestling Fan Fiction on here something later.

Due to complaints that we dont have news/rumors on this site, you are welcome to post any new/rumors u have on the forum... i really dont have time anymore to work on the site.... sorry guys...but i will redo the design soon.... and i think if more people start coming, i'll put in the news and rumors :o)
Trish Stratus
WWE Gifs
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