Meet Jenn: Blonde Ambition
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Start Weight: 202 lbs (Dr. Visit Feb '03)
WW Start Weight:
197.2 lbs (4/1/03)
5'9", Muscular Frame
Start Size:
16 Womens, 15 pant Juniors, XL Shirt, 38D Bra
Current Size: 
8,  9/10 Jrs, L/M Shirt, 36D Bra

Current Weight:  165 lbs
New Personal Goal Weight:  150 lbs

December '05:
I gained about 8 lbs in the last 6 months, primarily because of a car accident in September.  In the last week and a half, I've lost 4 lbs...1/2 of what it took me 6 months to gain!
A Little About Me...
I was always a very tall skinny child and grew 5 inches and gained my weight in my junior and senior years of high school.  At 17 years old, I was 5'9" and 160 lbs, although I didn't look it.  I was always very self conscious of my weight and hated hearing "160...160..." I rarely weighed myself and never dieted.

Over the next 8 years, I gained 40 lbs, about 5 pounds a gradually I never really thought about it.  I only increased about 2 sizes, going from a 10 in high school to a 14 the 14 was beginning to become tight, I decided to make a change and lose the pounds, refusing to go up another size.

Things That Have Affected My Weight...
Poor eating habits over the last few years have been culprit to gaining weight. I was never really aware of what I was eating, never making sure of getting the nutrients I needed, and definately not drinking enough water.

In the year 2000, I began without a plan or goal, working out on my own and eating very low fat (basically chicken, rice and veggies.) I lost about 18 pounds and weighed 172 - I felt and looked awesome.  Shortly after losing the weight, my work announced we were being put on emergency staffing which meant mandatory overtime.  This meant Id be working 12 and 16 hour shifts.  The workouts ended, and cooking/shopping became damn near impossible.  Once my good habits stopped, the weight began to come back...and 7 months later, I was back where I started. We stayed on extended shifts for the next 2 years...and I steadily gained another 5 pounds on top of the weight I gained back without realizing it.
I never had a plan...never had a it didn't work.

Lastly, in August of last year, I underwent Breast Augmentation surgery, something I've always wanted to do.  I went from a B cup to a D cup, and loved it - however, being more comfortable with a larger chest, Ive gained about 7 pounds since then.

Where It Got Me...
So there I was, March of 2003...thinking about how I felt at 202 lbs.  I was depressed, tired and aggrivated at myself.  At the time, I was dating a guy who had made a joke, "I like hanging out with you because your ass makes my ass look smaller!" - - I didn't think that was funny, and hated that someone may be thinking that about me...even joking.  But joking aside, he was right. I was the largest I'd been in my life and I was doing NOTHING about it. Needless to say, I dumped him and about 2 weeks later I hired a Personal Trainer who told me I should check out Weight Watchers....thats the day my life changed.

My 10% Triumph and Beyond!
So, I stuck to it...didn't cheat, stayed honest, worked out regularly, "tried" to eat all my veggies and drink all my water....and in 9 short weeks I made my 10% goal and lost 21.6 lbs.  I feel like a totally new person. My mood has changed, my outlook has changed - and everything in my life has fallen in line with my progress.  When I go out, the attention I've been getting is overwhelming at times - like I secretly slipped into someone elses body and am living their life!!!  I don't feel lonely anymore when Im alone...I don't feel depressed like I used to...Im more social, outgoing....and the best part?? Im always smiling :)

Reaching Goal
I reached my WW Goal in early July of 2003 of 165lbs.  I kept losing weight on my own, although I was no longer counting POINTS.  My lowest weight to date was 156, and boy did I look skinny!! Ive managed to maintain between 160-164 ever since 2003.  Recently, I had gained close to 10 lbs bringing me close to 170.  After counting POINTS for 1 1/2 weeks, I've lost 4 lbs.  Im back down to my 'range' and decided to rejoin WW meetings so I can finally meet my ultimate goal of 150.  At 5'9", that will bring me close to a size 4 - I'm well on my way and more motivated than ever!!
Original Weight Tracker
WW Start Weight - 197.2 (1st WI, 4/1/03)
Week 1, 4/8/03 - 194.8 (lost 2.4 lbs)
Week 2, 4/15/03 - 192.7 (lost 2.1 lbs)
Week 3, 4/22/03 - 191.5 (lost 1.2 lbs)
Week 4, 4/29/03 - 188.0 (lost 3.5 lbs, goodbye 190's!)
Week 5, 5/09/03 - 184.4 (lost 3.6 lbs)
Week 6, 5/16/03 - 183 (lost 1.4 lbs )
Week 7, 5/23/03 -  180.2 (lost 2.8 lbs)
Week 8, 5/30/03 -  179.0 (lost 1.2 lbs, goodbye 180's!)
Week 9, 6/6/03 - 175.6 (lost 3.4 lbs,  10%!!!!!!)
Week 10, 6/13/03 - 173.7 (lost 1.9lbs)
Week 11, 6/20/03 - 171.4 (lost 2.4 lbs)
Week 12, 6/27/03 - 173 (gained 1.6)
Weeks 13 & 14, 7/11/03 - Closed 7/4, out of town 7/11 Week 15, 7/18/03 - 165.6 (Lost 7.4 lbs in 3 weeks!!!)
Maintenance 8/29/03 - 162 (35.2 lbs Total)
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