The We Want Tank Coalition

The Press Gang

The latest news is that Marcus Chong's new agent found out that Joel Silvers had him reported to the FBI and posted his picture in the security booth of Warner Bros. We don't have a date as to when this happened.
Regarding the documents that were posted here about his arrest and dispute with the producers: the D.A. dropped the charges and Marcus had posted bail within two hours of the arrest. The photos that were given to police as evidence were shots from "Panther" and the guns in the photos are fake movie guns. We also need to stress that Marcus has never owned a gun or felt the need to own a gun. The documents in question have been removed at Marcus' request and should not be copied or posted elsewhere without permission. We hope to have a more complete and accurate timeline in the future when Marcus has more time.

Marcus Chong's comments on the situation with the producers of the Matrix: "They have made and continue to profit off of the urban market that I guarantee them. They have executed a social death preceding my physical death. This is the essence of discrimination. Formulating opinions of others not based on merit but rather on membership in some group with the same characteristics."
"As far as my co-leads are concerned Keanu, Fishburn and Moss they do not know the details and they were signed on before this went down and must fulfill their contract.And it truly has nothing to do with them and they have made sure to keep it that way. But I have no grief with them."
And in closing : "Make sure the fans know I am happy healthy and ready to make more films. Let them know to keep their eyes on the prize, to look ahead for a great year and know that I keep them in mind with every take. At every audition I consider 'would my fans be ok with this?'."

The addresses of The Powers That Be will stay posted here so you can all let them know what you think of this latest turn of events. We are very disappointed that the almighty dollar is more important than artistic integrity. The point that really needs to be made is that actors and the characters they create are not interchangeable. A good actor puts a lot of time and effort in creating a character, they invest of themselves both physically and emotionally. This creation is very personal and cannot just be discarded or replaced like so much chattel. The Matrix sequels will have a character named Tank but they will not have the character of Tank.

What can you do? Write those letters to The Powers That Be. Write or e-mail to your favorite magazines, talk shows or entertainment websites and publicize Marcus Chong's fate. Post on Matrix and entertainment related bulletin boards, newsgroups & mailing lists. Get the word out! Marcus believes that fans have the power to change the way things are done in Hollywood. The trail of documents will continue to grow so you will be able to see how things are done currently and why they have to change.

Features on this site :

For more information about Marcus Chong, surf over to our favorite source for Marcus info : Marcus Chong Anonymous. We have forwarded a selection of photos that Sorsha has posted on her site.


Sassy, Chronos, Scorch & Kelly

Useful Addresses

Letter Writing Tips

©2000-2001 The We Want Tank Coalition/The Press Gang