Basic Info

For newcomers wondering what's on our site.

News and Updates: Well, you're here right now, it's where we ramble on about things, sometimes important, sometimes not so much.

Fan Art: A compilation of our favorite pieces of fan art, I (Rachel) do some doodles occasionally and if I feel as though any of them are good, I may post some of those too. If you would like to submit your art to be displayed on our site, send it HERE.

Fan Fiction: Fan fiction pieces written by either Rachel or Annika, or both of us. We write romance and humor fiction, we are not angst-ridden, dramatic people. We may also link to some of our favorite stories, and submissions are welcome if anyone wants their stories listed on our site. Send submissions HERE.

Images: A compilation of our favorite Harry Potter images from the movies or of actors on set, separated into categories.

Links: Oh, come now, you can figure out what links are. Just links to some of our favorite sites, mostly Harry Potter related sites, but not all.

Link Here: A place where you can take a nice little image that will link to our site.

Pairings: A list of Harry Potter character romance pairings and what we think of them.

Wallpaper: Harry Potter wallpapers made by Annika. These are extremely cool, and are free for download, just don't crop off the copyright!

Site Info: Info about how the site was made. Bios about the authors including contact info

News and Updates

Wednesday, August 18: New chapter added to Love Through Centuries by Rachel. Read it at the fan fiction section. Posted by Rachel @ 6:13 PM

Tuesday, August 17: New chapter added to Sugar, Spice, Snape and Everything Nice by Annika. This story is now completed. Check it out at the fan fiction section. Posted by Rachel @ 3:30 PM

Friday, August 13: The fan fiction story Sugar, Spice, Snape and Everything Nice by Annika has been updated! Check it out at the fan fiction section of our site! I can't sleep at all, someone take the chocolate away from me! You know things are out of hand when you update your website at 3 am. Posted by Rachel @ 2:53 AM

Thursday, August 12: New chapter added to the fan fiction story, Love Through Centuries by Rachel. Read it at the fan fiction page. Annika is out of town but when she gets back, look for a theories page, coming soon! Posted by Rachel @ 6:33 PM

Wednesday, August 11: Got a lot more fan art up, there are about 40 pictures in there now. Go check it out, it's the least you can do seeing as it took me all day to do. I promise you'll enjoy it! Posted by Rachel @ 3:49 PM

Monday, August 9: Got a start on the fan art page today. It's a looking a little lonely right now, but there will be more up in time. I saw Prisoner of Azkaban the movie again today, my sixth time, it's still great. Bwahaha I'm beating Annika! Posted by Rachel @ 10:36 PM

Sunday, August 8: New chapter added to Love Through Centuries again. See it on the fan fiction page. My story has now been the last three updates this page has seen. I'm out of town right now, and so is Annika, so we don't know when we'll get around to more updates. Posted by Rachel @ 10:47 AM

Tuesday, August 3: Added another new chapter to fan fiction story Love Through Centuries by Rachel. Read it on the fan fiction page. Wow, my fic was the last update this site had too. Maybe we should get our asses in gear on fan art (I'm working on it, but I've found that artists don't answer their email) images (talk to Annika about that one...) and links (we're leaving it for last because it takes 5 minutes to do). Posted by Rachel @ 3:12 PM

Friday, July 30: Added a new chapter to fan fiction story, Love Through Centuries by Rachel. Read it on the fan fiction page. Posted by Rachel @ 11:19 PM

Tuesday, July 27: Added a new story, Snogging Gone Wrong co-written by Rachel and Annika to the fan fiction page. Posted by Rachel @ 8:06 PM

Monday, July 26: Just wanted to give everyone contact info. This stuff is on the site info page, but, I'll post it again. To email us: if you want to contact only one of us, our individual emails are on the site info page. If you prefer AIM Annika's sn is Annikask8s2005 and Rachel's is Dr Payne is in. One or the other of us is almost always online, and we check email often too. On a separate note, my shoes finally came from, they are super cool and I'm happy, though no one cares about that. Posted by Rachel @ 5:44 PM